Repeating earthquakes recorded by Liaoning Regional Seismograph Network

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ken142560
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In the list of ’repeating pairs’ or ’doublets’ of earthquakes in China identified by Schaff and Richards using tele-seismic waveform cross-correlation, there were 23 repeating pairs located in Liaoning Province. In this study the waveforms of these events were cross-correlated using records from Liaoning Regional Seismograph Network (LRSN), and the ’repeating events’ in the sense of regional waveform cross-correlation were obtained. The result was compared with that of Schaff and Richards and was used for the assessment of the seismic phase picking and event location practice of LRSN. The result shows that ’repeating events’ in the sense of teleseismic waveform cross-correlation and those in the sense of regional waveform cross-correlation have significant difference, al-though with some overlap. However, the overall assessment of the location accuracy and the phase pick errors of LRSN by using these two sets of ’repeating events’, respectively, provides similar results, while ’repeating events’ in the sense of regional waveform cross-correlation seem to be better performing in such an assessment. With the assumption that the separation between the ’repeaters’ be less than 1 km, the uncertainty in routine earthquake location of LRSN is estimated to be below 5 km, with the average of 2 km. In the observational bulletins of LRSN the time error in phase picking is estimated to be within ±1s for 94% Pg readings and for 88% Sg readings. In the list of ’repeating pairs’ or ’doublets’ of earthquakes in China identified by Schaff and Richards using tele-seismic waveform cross-correlation, there were 23 repeating pairs located in Liaoning Province. In this study the waveforms of these events were cross -correlated using records from Liaoning Regional Seismograph Network (LRSN), and the ’repeating events’ in the sense of regional waveform cross-correlation were obtained. The result was compared with that of Schaff and Richards and was used for the assessment of the seismic phase picking and event location practice of LRSN. The result shows that ’repeating events’ in the sense of teleseismic waveform cross-correlation and those in the sense of regional waveform cross-correlation have significant difference, al- though with some overlap. However, the overall assessment of the location accuracy and the phase pick errors of LRSN by using these two sets of ’repeating events’, respectively, may similar results, while’ repeati ng the events of in the sense of regional waveform cross-correlation seem to be better performing in such an assessment. With the assumption that the separation between the ’repeaters’ be less than 1 km, the uncertainty in routine earthquake location of LRSN is estimated to In the observational bulletins of LRSN the time error in phase picking is estimated to be within ± 1s for 94% Pg readings and for 88% Sg readings.
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