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中药种子类药材如车前子,葶苈子、紫苏子、青箱子及花椒等,一般都含大量杂质、壳屑或果柄,在炮制前须加以分离,使药物清洁纯净。这些分离杂质的方法看似平常,但如果技巧掌握不好,则往往难以达到要求,现将操作方法简介如下: 一、杂质分离法:①操作时备一小圆簸箕,装上药材约1~1.5kg,两手分开握住箕边(占箕边2/5左右),以右手为主(左手配合右手转动,但不宜用力),反复向左内上方推、转、抛动药材,推动进度为5~10cm,要使整簸箕药材呈旋涡状自左向右推动,利用簸箕面对药材的多次震动,使中间的药少于边围,杂质则慢慢从周围聚向中间,最后积聚成砣,至杂质面缩小为直径5cm左右为度,然后将积聚的杂质用小铲轻轻铲掉。如此重复操作2~3次,以使药物达到清洁纯净为止。 Herbal medicines such as psyllium, wolfberry fruit, perilla, green box, and pepper, etc., generally contain large amounts of impurities, shell stalks, or fruit shanks. They must be separated before processing to make the medicine clean and pure. These methods of separation of impurities seem ordinary, but if the skills are not well mastered, it is often difficult to meet the requirements, the operating method is now outlined as follows: First, the impurity separation method: 1 when preparing a small round pot, put the medicine about 1 ~ 1.5kg, two hands separately hold the edge (about 2/5 of the side), with the right hand as the main (left hand with the right hand, but not hard), repeatedly push the left to the top, turn, throwing herbs, to promote the progress of 5 ~ 10cm, to make the whole herb swiftly pushed from left to right, the use of earthworms to face the multiple vibrations of herbs, so that the middle of the drug is less than the edge, the impurities are slowly gathered from the surrounding to the middle, and finally accumulated into砣 砣 至 至 至 砣 砣 至 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质 杂质. Repeat this operation 2-3 times so that the drug is clean and pure.
南非和斯威士兰特有的灌木杰氏藤黄(Garcinia gerrardii Harvey),其果可食用。据报从该植物根皮的二氯甲烷提取物中得到一种棕黄色树胶,具有抑制真菌瓜枝孢(Cladosporium cu
目前,表皮生长因子(epidermalgrowthfactor,EGF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basicfibroblastgrowthfactor,bFGF)是否以Ca2+及cAMP为第二信使尚存在分歧。本研究分别以Ca2+结合荧光染料(Fur... Currently, whether epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fi
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香料不仅用于刺激食欲,且可用作血液净化剂、性欲促进剂及肉类杀菌防腐剂,此外还有抗氧化、抗细菌及抗真菌等作用.作者用具有高度耐药性的犬弓蛔虫(Toxocara canis)的蚴虫的