肠气囊肿的病因及治疗(附1例报告)张聪肠气囊肿病最早是由Duvernoy于1730年报道的 ̄[1],常发生在回肠终端及结肠。我们通过1例典型病例就其病因和治疗探讨如下。患者男,44岁,因全腹胀痛伴消瘦1月余来诊。即往稀便史十余年。于1991年1月15...
Intestinal airway edema causes and treatment (a report of 1 case) Zhang Cong intestinal cystic disease was first reported by Duvernoy in 1730 ̄ [1], often occurs in the terminal ileum and colon. We discuss the cause and treatment of a typical case as follows. The patient was a 44-year-old male with full abdominal pain for more than one month. That is, it has been more than ten years. In January 1991...