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红点唇瓢虫Chilocorus kuwanae Silvestri可捕食多种蚧虫,松突圆蚧Hemiberlesia pilysophila Takagl是其中之一。此蚧是松林的一种危险性害虫。到1985年底止,广东有300余万亩松林遭其危害,其中有80多万亩被害致死或濒于死亡。1984~1985年,我们在广东省惠东县寨场山林场,以松突圆蚧为饲料,对红点唇瓢虫在室内饲养、繁殖的基础上,进行了林间助迁、释放试验,就其对松突圆蚧的控制作用进行了比 Chilocorus kuwanae Silvestri is one of the predators of Hemiberlesia pilusophila Takagl. This scale is a dangerous pest in pine forests. By the end of 1985, more than 3 million mu of pine forests had been harmed in Guangdong, of which over 800,000 mu were killed or dying. From 1984 to 1985, on the basis of rearing and breeding Red Ladybugs at the Zhaichangshan Forest Farm in Huidong County, Guangdong Province, Its control of the effects of the scale of the pine than the ratio
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由 Alernarla panax 侵染人参所引起的人参黑斑病,是东北地区人参主要真菌性病害。历年发生普遍,为害严重。一般发病株率90%以上,病叶率20—30%,严重时早期植株上部枯萎,是
本文报道萤光假单胞菌(fluorescent Pseudomas spp.)WCSX 13.WCS 417andWCS 358在水培系统中香石竹根部的定殖及其对香石竹镰刀菌枯萎病的抑制作用。细菌处理两周后,WCS 417
本文应用生命表技术,通过对桔潜叶蛾(Phyllonistis CitrellaStainton)9个世代生命表资料的分析,探讨了桔潜叶蛾自然种群数量消长规律及其原因。结果表明,主导世代间种群数量
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不知从何时起,DIY(Do It Yourself)成了我们耳熟能详的名词,大凡自己动手做的事情都可称之为“DIY——“电脑DIY”、“音响DIY”、“家居DIY”……DIY意味着另类,意味着做自