
来源 :北京农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sun_sun
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本刊讯:北京农学院首届科研工作会议于一九八五年一月二十九日上午举行。院长扬舟、副院长门常平、乔柏平同志出席了会议,全院教师二百余人齐聚一堂参加了这次大会。这次会议的召开,得到了市农办、市科委和市高教局有关部门负责同志的关怀和支持。市农办科教处副处长张一凡、市科委成果处处长路东虎和市高教局科研处处长李超棠同志应邀出席了会议,亲临我院指导。副院长门常平同志在会上做了《1979-1984年工作总结报告》,并首先向我院那些在艰苦条件下从事科研工作并取得一定成就的同志们表示祝贺。报告总结了自我院建院以来的科研和教学工作,他说,这几年来,我院广大教师和科研人员在条件艰苦、资金不足、设备短缺的情况下,克服了种种困难,表现了很高的工作热 Ben-Xun: The first scientific research meeting of Beijing Agricultural College was held on January 29, 1985 in the morning. Dean Yang Zhou, vice president door Changping, Comrade Qiao Boping attended the meeting, more than 200 teachers attended the conference. The convening of this meeting has been the care and support of the Municipal Agriculture Office, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Municipal Higher Education Departments responsible comrades. Zhang Yifan, deputy director of the Municipal Agricultural Science and Education Office, Lu Donghu, chief of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Gao Zhaotang, director of the Scientific Research Office of the Municipal Higher Education Bureau, attended the conference personally and were guided by our hospital. Vice President Comrade Chang Changping made a “summary report on the work of 1979-1984” at the meeting and first of all congratulated those in our hospital who conducted scientific research and achieved certain achievements under difficult conditions. The report summarizes the research and teaching work since the founding of our hospital, and said that over the past few years, the vast majority of teachers and researchers in our hospital have overcome all kinds of difficulties and have shown high levels of hardship, lack of funds and equipment shortage. Work hot
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