讴歌多彩军营生活 抒发导弹战士豪情 第二炮兵“火箭兵之声”青年歌手大赛成果颇丰

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为隆重庆祝建党80周年和二炮组建35周年、检阅导弹部队业余文艺演唱成果,第二炮兵“火箭兵之声”青年歌手大赛,以清新、活泼的艺术特色和山味、兵味的泥土芳香,在北京二炮机关大院掀起了讴歌军营生活、抒发战士情怀的热潮,给流火夏日的军营增添了一道亮丽的风景线。二炮司令员杨国梁上将、副政委罗东进中将、政治部主任孙福中将等领导亲临决赛现场,为歌手鼓劲加油,并给获得“十佳歌手”、“优秀歌手”等奖项的单位和个人颁发了奖杯、证书。总政宣传部王兆海副部长、文体局孙军副局长亲临比赛现场指导。担任本次大赛评委的滕矢初、金兆钧、肖白、殷秀梅、蒋大为、刘青等著名艺术家和二炮机关近千名官兵观看了决赛。 To celebrate the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 35th anniversary of the formation of the Second Artillery Corps, reviewing the results of the amateur literary performance of the missile force, the Second Artillery Corps, the Voice of the Rocket Soldiers and the Young Singers Competition, with fresh and lively artistic features and Shanwei and Bingwei Soil aroma, set off in the courtyard of the Second Artillery Corps Acura barracks life, to express the upsurge of warrior sentiment, adding to the flow of summer barracks a beautiful landscape. Commander Yang Guoliang, Commander of the Second Artillery Corps, Lieutenant General Luo Dongjin, deputy political commissar, and other leaders of the Political Department headed by Sun Fu, went to the finals to cheer up the singers and gave awards such as “Top Ten Singer” and “Excellent Singer” Units and individuals awarded the trophy, certificate. Wang Zhahai, Vice Minister of Propaganda Department of the General Political Department, and Sun Jun, Deputy Secretary of Sports Bureau went to the scene of the competition. Teng Yat-chu, Jin Zhaojun, Xiao Bai, Yin Xiumei, Jiang Dawei, Liu Qing and other famous artists and nearly one thousand officers and men of the Second Artillery Corps held the finals as judges of the competition.
六味地黄丸为宋代医学家钱乙从《金匮要略》肾气丸减去桂、附而立方 ,是治肾虚证的基本方 ,以腰膝酸软、头晕目眩、口燥咽干、舌红少苔、脉沉细数为证治要点。本方为后世推崇
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