
来源 :商业经济与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdy008
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1991年10月16日至21日,全国商业高校学报研究会二届三次常务理事会暨主编(编辑部主任)研讨会在湖南省商业管理干部学院召开,21所院校的24名代表参加了这次会议。二届三次常务理事会,对一年来的工作进行了回顾与总结,由张聚元理事长代表常务理事会向大会作了汇报发言。他说,根据去年在北京商学院召开的二届二次常务理事会的决定,1991年要办两件实事,其一是编辑培训班,其二是主编研讨会。这两个会都如期召开,并达到了预期目的,在提高编辑素质、推行学报编排规范和进一步提高学报质量方面产生了良好的作 From October 16 to 21, 1991, the 3rd Session of the Second Session of the National Association of Journals of Business Journals and the Chief Editor (Director of the Editorial Office) of the Second Session of the National Association of Business Journals was held at the College of Business Administration of Hunan Province. 24 representatives from 21 institutions participated in the seminar. This meeting. The Third Session of the Second Session of the Standing Committee reviewed and summarized the work of the past year. The Chairman of the Board of Directors Zhang Juyuan made a report to the General Assembly on behalf of the Executive Council. He said that according to the decision of the second session of the second executive council convened at the Beijing Business School last year, two practical issues will be required in 1991. One is an editorial training course, and the other is a chief editorial seminar. Both of these meetings were held on schedule and achieved the desired objectives. They produced good results in improving the quality of editors, implementing the specifications of journals, and further improving the quality of journals.
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根据(中华人民共和国价格管理条例》,以下企业已经我局批准,具备企业定价条件,属于企业定价范围内生产经营的商品,准许定价 According to the Regulations of the People’s
据报道:目前,国际市场上“人情味商品”不断涌现。有会说话的电冰箱、洗衣机、电脑秤等家用电器,还有劝人戒烟的烟灰缸等生活用 According to reports: At present, “huma