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哲学理念是哲学关于自身的认识和体悟 ,其中包含着哲学家和人们关于哲学的定位、哲学的范式、哲学的视野、哲学的维度的理解。每一时代各种哲学思潮中总是包含着某种主导性的哲学理念。这种主导性哲学理念在重大文明时代的更替中又总是发生深刻的转变 ,从而引起哲学的重新定位。全球化不是单纯的文化现象 ,它以深刻的文化逻辑引导着哲学理念的变革。思考和展望全球化时代哲学理念的变革 ,对于新世纪哲学的发展具有重要的意义。作为“2 0世纪末中国哲学研究重大问题检讨”的阶段性总结 ,我们特邀几位著名中青年学者从不同视角透视全球化时代哲学理念的变化。孙正聿教授认为 ,必须对全球化时代哲学创新问题进行前提性研究 ,当代哲学创新的基本前提是发现哲学理论的“外部困难”(即理论形态的人类自我意识与人类自身的时代性的生存困境的矛盾 )和“内部困难”(即表征人类自身的时代性的生存困境的哲学理论自身的逻辑矛盾 )。张一兵教授则集中探讨哲学理念创新的途径 ,提出通过对马克思文本的精心解读以及对中国马克思主义哲学研究长期盛行的研究方式的历史审理而获得一种科学的平台 ,从而准确地捕捉到马克思思想逻辑与当代问题的结合点 ,实现马克思主义哲学研究的“返本开新”。其他学者侧重于揭示全球化时 Philosophical philosophy is the understanding and comprehension of philosophy about itself, which includes the philosophers and people’s understanding of the orientation of philosophy, the paradigm of philosophy, the horizon of philosophy and the dimension of philosophy. In each era, various philosophical thoughts always contain some dominant philosophical ideas. This dominant philosophical concept has undergone a profound change in the replacement of major civilizations and has led to the reorientation of philosophy. Globalization is not simply a cultural phenomenon. It guides the transformation of philosophy through profound cultural logic. Thinking and Looking Forward The transformation of philosophy in the age of globalization is of great significance to the development of philosophy in the new century. As a step-by-step summary of the “Review of Major Issues in the Study of Chinese Philosophy by the End of the Twentieth Century,” we invited several famous young and middle-aged scholars to examine the changes in philosophy in the era of globalization from different perspectives. Professor Sun Zhengyu believes that it is necessary to conduct a preliminary study on the issue of philosophical innovation in the era of globalization. The basic premise of contemporary philosophical innovation is to find out the “external difficulties” of philosophical theory (that is, the human self-consciousness of the theoretical form and the predicament of human existence Contradictions) and “internal difficulties” (that is, the logic contradictions of the philosophical theory that characterize the historical predicament of human beings themselves). Professor Zhang Yibing focuses on ways to innovate philosophical ideas and proposes a scientific platform to obtain a scientific platform through meticulous interpretation of Marx’s texts and the historical examination of the research methods that have long prevailed in the study of Chinese Marxist philosophy so as to accurately capture the logic of Marx’s thought And the contemporary problems, and to realize the “return of capital to start anew” in the study of Marxist philosophy. Other scholars focus on revealing globalization
问:红泥塑料有哪几种主要性能? 答:红泥塑料是聚乙烯与炼铝工业的废物——红泥以及少量辅料,经炼塑加工而获得的一种新型复合材料。 Q: What are the main properties of r
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现代使用的导弹武器,许多是以“蛇”来命名的。有的直接以音译来确定,有的则富有更为深刻的内容,体现了武器的先进性能。“沙蛇”导弹 法国陆军于20世纪80年代初设计制造