
来源 :教育科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ernest5
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抽取山东、江苏、河北、湖南、四川和甘肃6个省份不同类型的小学四年级和六年级学生5376名,采用自编问卷进行调查,得出对当前我国小学生的政治思想状况的基本判断:绝大多数具有爱祖国的思想感情,但比较肤浅,缺乏应有的深厚依托,需要加强对民族优秀历史文化传统的了解;大多数比较关心政治和时事,具有一些浅显的政治常识;多数相信科学,但也有一部分相信手相或星座能决定人的命运,在学习掌握科学知识的同时,还应该对他们加强科学观教育;人生理想趋向多元,但更注重名利和实惠,功利色彩比较浓,需要适当引导;具有兼顾个人与社会的学习目的观和权利地位观;择友重德,注重内在品性和情趣。据此提出有针对性的积极引导的对策和建议。 The author takes 5,376 fourth and sixth grade primary school students in 6 provinces in Shandong, Jiangsu, Hebei, Hunan, Sichuan and Gansu Provinces and conducts surveys using self-compiled questionnaires to draw a basic judgment on the political and ideological conditions of primary school students in our country. Most of them have the love and affection of their motherland, but they are rather superficial and lacks the deep support they deserve. They need to strengthen their understanding of the fine historical and cultural traditions of the nation. Most are more concerned with politics and current affairs and have some simple political knowledge. Most believe that science, However, some believe that palmistry or constellation can determine the fate of human beings. In addition to studying and mastering scientific knowledge, they should also strengthen their education on scientific concepts. Their ideal of life tends to be diverse, but their emphasis is more on fame and fortune. ; With both personal and social learning objectives and the concept of the status of rights; friends choose Germany, focusing on intrinsic character and taste. Accordingly, it proposes targeted and actively guided countermeasures and suggestions.
The snowmelt runoff model (SRM) has been widely used in simulation and forecast of streamflow in snow-dominated mountainous basins around the world. This paper
为进一步提高老年消化性溃疡(PU)患者的诊治水平,特将本院1990年3月以来经内镜检查确诊的218例老年PU临床与内镜下的特点报告如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组218例老年P
目的 探讨脑缺血时微血管管径与一氧化氮释放的相关性。方法 采用激光多谱勒和电化学方法 ,测量沙土鼠软脑膜微血管管径和NO的变化。结果 脑缺血时 ,软脑膜细动脉立即收缩