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广州新海医院是隶属中央特大型国有骨干企业中国海运集团广州海运的非营利性医院;集医疗、教学、科研、康复、预防和保健为一体的国家二级甲等综合性医院;国家爱婴医院、卫生部国际紧急救援中心网络医院、广州市社会医疗保险定点医院、广州市120急救中心指定医院。广东省商等医学院校教学医院、广州医学院、广东药学院、广州市护干学校、鉴庆市卫生学校等大、中专院校临床教学医院与实习基地,是华南地区高级船员医护培训中心、国际船员A类证书指定体检办证定点医院。医院设有24个临床和医技科室,开放床位310张,在编正式职工360名。2005年总诊疗42万人次。 医院自1981年12月开业(原名为广州海员医院)以来,经过海医人25年的艰苦创业、全面建设和深化改革,医院在设施、设备、科室设置、技术项目开展、人才队伍建设以及科学管理等各个方面均形成了一定势,在广州地区激烈的医疗市场竞争中实现了自主经营、自负盈亏、自我完善和自我发展。1998-2000年连续3年实现支持平,2001-2005年连续5年实现收支盈余。 医院现有占地面积16800多平方米,建筑面积24000多平方米,医疗设备总价值2785万元,其中万元以上设备近200台(套),拥有美国GE高速螺旋CT机、美国GE彩色多普勒诊断设备、电视腹腔镜、全能呼吸麻醉机、日立500毫安胃肠机,奥林巴斯电子胃镜、民子阴道镜、运动平板诊断系统、日立全自动生化分析仪等,提高医院诊疗水平和综合救治能力提供了有利条件。 1998年以来,医院实行广州海运医院管理委员会领导下的院长负责制。医院领导班子锐意改革、开拓创新,按照“服务立院、人才固院、技术兴院、文化强院”的发展战略,大胆进行内部运行机制改革,鉴企业管理的经验,实行院科两级目标责任制;不断推进人事分配制度改革与后勤服务社会化;明确市场定位,积极开拓市场,在区域医疗市场形成了自己的服务特色,树立了良好的社会影响力,提升了医院的品牌形象;加强学科建设和学术研究,航海医学和医院 Guangzhou Xinhai Hospital is a non-profit hospital affiliated to Guangzhou Shipping, a large-sized state-owned backbone enterprise of the State Council. It is a national second-level general hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, rehabilitation, prevention and health care. The National Baby-friendly Hospital , International Emergency Medical Center Network Hospital of Ministry of Health, Guangzhou Social Security designated hospitals, Guangzhou 120 emergency center designated hospital. Guangdong Province, and other medical colleges and universities teaching hospitals, Guangzhou Medical College, Guangdong College of Pharmacy, Guangzhou City nursing schools, health schools in Chingqing and other large and secondary clinical teaching hospitals and internships base, is the South China Region senior crew training Center, Class A international crew designated medical certificate designated hospital. The hospital has 24 clinical and medical departments, 310 open beds, in the regular staff numbered 360. In 2005, the total number of diagnosis and treatment was 420,000. Since its opening in December 1981 (formerly Guangzhou Seamen Hospital), the hospital has been undergoing 25 years of arduous pioneering work by the hospital to comprehensively construct and deepen the reform. The hospital has set up facilities, facilities and departments, carried out technical projects, Management and other aspects have formed a certain potential in Guangzhou in the fierce competition in the medical market to achieve their own operations, self-financing, self-improvement and self-development. 1998-2000 for three consecutive years to achieve support for peace, 2001-2005 for five consecutive years to achieve revenue and expenditure surplus. The hospital covers an area of ​​more than 16,800 square meters, construction area of ​​24,000 square meters, the total value of medical equipment 27.85 million yuan, of which more than 200 yuan equipment nearly 200 (sets), with the United States GE high-speed spiral CT machine, the United States more GE color Doppler diagnostic equipment, TV laparoscopy, breathing machine anesthesia machine, Hitachi 500 mA gastrointestinal machine, Olympus gastroscope, the people colposcopy, sports diagnostic plate system, Hitachi automatic biochemical analyzer, etc., to improve the level of hospital diagnosis and treatment And comprehensive treatment capabilities provide favorable conditions. Since 1998, the hospital implemented the chief responsibility system under the leadership of the Guangzhou Maritime Hospital Management Committee. The leadership of the hospital is determined to reform, pioneering and innovating. In line with the development strategy of “serving the legislature, building talents, developing technology and strengthening the hospital culture”, the hospital leadership boldly carries out internal operation mechanism reform and experiences in enterprise management, We will continue to promote the reform of the personnel distribution system and the socialization of logistic services. We will make a clear market positioning, actively explore the market, form our own service features in the regional medical market, establish a good social influence and enhance the hospital’s brand image. Discipline building and academic research, maritime medicine and hospitals
经济的开放,已经从各个层面把我国的各项事业,特别是教育事业全面推向了一个开放的发展态势。顺应这一发展要求,湖南理工学院美术学院从课程设置、教师资源 The opening of
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