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从最近收到的中华人民共和国驻法国大使馆教育处给我院祝福新同志的鉴定中,可以看到这样的评价:“……祝福新同志在法国巴黎进修期间,怀着为报效祖国而学习的心情,刻苦学习。该同志组织观念很强,遵守纪律,待人诚恳。由于他的努力,在巴黎美术学院学习期间和到其它国家博物馆考察中,取得了很大的收获,在法国巴黎、鲁昂、斯特拉斯堡、里昂等城市举办了画展,受到了法国各界人士的欢迎,获得了突出的成果,为中法友谊作出了自己的贡献,为中国争得了荣誉……”。祝福新副教授是1986年4月由国家教委派出,赴法国巴黎美术学院进修考察的。他在法国研究了油画技巧,了解西方现代美术教育。在此期间,还走访了二十一个国家:北欧的英国、挪威、瑞典、芬兰等国,南欧的意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙等国,以及非洲的摩洛哥。参观了一百多个博物馆,对西方画坛有了全面的形象了解。法国巴黎美术学院蜚声世界,不仅是法国美术教育的最高学府,而且为世界各国培养了很多艺术人才。我国著名画家刘海粟、徐悲鸿、吴作人等都在这里学习过。祝福新副教授在法国当代著名画家毕埃赫·卡亨教授画室进修,取得了优异的成绩。 From the recently appraised appraisal by the Education Department of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in France to the blessing of our new comrades in our hospital, we can see the following remark: “... I wish the new comrades with learning to serve the motherland during their study in Paris, France. In the heart of the country, studying hard.While the comrade has a strong organizational concept, observes discipline and treats others sincerely, he has made great achievements during his study in the Paris Academy of Fine Arts and his visit to museums in other countries. His work in Paris, Angola, Strasbourg, Lyon and other cities held an exhibition, has been welcomed by people from all walks of life in France, received outstanding results in China-France friendship made its own contribution to China won the honor ...... ”. The new associate professor of blessing was sent by the State Education Commission in April 1986 and went to Paris to study and study at the Academy of Fine Arts in France. He studied oil painting skills in France to understand Western modern art education. During this period, they also visited 21 countries: the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden and Finland in northern Europe, Italy, Spain and Portugal in southern Europe, as well as Morocco in Africa. Visited more than a hundred museums, have a comprehensive understanding of the Western painting scene. The French Academy of Fine Arts in Paris is world famous. It is not only the highest institution of fine arts education in France, but also has trained a lot of artistic talents for all countries in the world. Liu Haisu, a famous painter in China, Xu Beihong and Wu Zuoren all studied here. The blessing of the new associate professor in France famous contemporary painter Biue Qiang Professor painting room training, has achieved excellent results.
今年一季度居民消费价格涨幅较大,通货膨胀压力有所增加。预计二季度居民消费价格保持高位运行,涨幅略低于一季度,保持全年价格稳定的任务依然十分艰巨。    一、一季度价格运行情况    年初以来,受春节因素、南方雨雪冰冻灾害等影响,居民消费价格涨幅较大,一季度累计同比上涨8.0%,涨幅比去年同期扩大5.3个百分点。  食品价格涨幅较大  一季度,食品价格同比累计上涨21.0%,涨幅比上年同期扩大14.
87碗乎!鸟乎!(陶艺)@陈淞贤正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 87 Bowl! Bird almost! (Pottery) @ Chen Songxian Please download to view, this article doe