
来源 :天津体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangli7313981
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本文从社会学、心理学角度对国内外足球场暴力进行了分析与研究。认为酿成事端的因素有:1、运动员的不良行为与行凶报复,2、“自己的”队失利后观众的偏激行为;3、“自己的”队取胜后观众的狂热行为;4、观众介入比赛而引起暴力:5、组织工作不当。之后,文章着重对“五.一九”事件进行了剖析,认为酿成事件的主要原因是社会、文化、心理等方面的。因此文章认为,要防范足球场的暴力,必须进行“综合治理”,即不断改革、完善经济、政治体制;提高全民族的文化水平;广开青年的剩余精力发泄渠道:提高裁判员的业务水平;改进体育宣传与赛场的管理。 This article analyzes and studies the domestic and foreign football field violence from the angle of sociology and psychology. The factors that lead to the conclusion are as follows: 1, bad behavior and revenge of athletes, 2, extreme behavior of spectators after the loss of “own team” 3, the fanatical behavior of the audience after “own team” win 4, Competition caused violence: 5, improper organization. Afterwards, the article focuses on the analysis of the “May 19” incident and argues that the main cause of the incident is social, cultural, psychological and other aspects. Therefore, the article argues that in order to prevent violence in the football field, “comprehensive management” must be carried out, that is, continuous reform and improvement of the economic and political systems; improvement of the cultural level of the whole nation; widening the channel of remaining energies for young people to release: improving the professional level of referees ; Improve sports promotion and stadium management.
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