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固定面板式低压配电屏从50年代中期开始采用至今,已有30多年的历史。早期是从苏联引进图纸制造的我国唯一的低压配电装置——BSL系列产品。多年来总体结构无根本变化,又无其他系列产品取代,一直沿用至今。虽然国家机械委员会等几个单位以机委科(1987)70号文下达机械工业等淘汰产品的通知中规定:自1988年1月起淘汰BSL低压配电装置全系列产品,推荐用新产品PGL系列。该产品于1984年通过了机械委员会的鉴定,目前 Fixed-panel low-voltage distribution panels have been in use since the mid-1950s and have been used for more than 30 years. In the early days, it was China’s only low-voltage power distribution device, the BSL series, manufactured from drawings imported from the Soviet Union. Over the years, there has been no fundamental change in the overall structure, and no other series of products have been replaced. It has been used up to now. Although several units such as the National Machinery Commission issued a notice in order to eliminate phase-out products from the machinery industry, etc. in No. 70 (1987) issued by the National Machinery Commission, it is stipulated that the entire series of BSL low-voltage power distribution devices shall be eliminated from January 1988, and new product PGL is recommended. series. The product passed the appraisal of the Mechanical Committee in 1984 and is currently
This article is based on a survey of the New Residential Area in Tangshan.The purposes of the survey were tounderstand the characteristics of the residents’ a
2001年,青海桥头发电有限责任公司等31户企业面向市场、开拓创新,上缴税利均在千万元以上,为青海经济建设和社会发展做出了积极贡献。为此,省人民政府决定: 1、授予青海桥头
At the beginning of 1980s,the Central Place Theory was introduced into China from the West.The authors ofthis article are the initiators of applying this model
温卡·杜贝尔达姆Winka Dubbeldam纽约Archi-tectonics事务所(成立于1994年)负责人,事务所作品涉及居住建筑、商业建筑、城市设计等。她还是宾夕法尼亚大学研究生课程主任。