
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoxiaozhang
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薄荷植株体内精油的含量及其成份随着薄荷不同的生育期、不同天气情况以及一天中不同的收割时间而发生变化,收割时间不当,原油产量损失较大。要使薄荷丰产丰收,必须紧扣收割时有利于提高原油产量的有关因素,对当时的“天时、地利”及薄荷的长相加以综合考虑。 一、适时收割的薄荷长相 根据生产实践及试验研究,当植株顶部新叶出生速度缓慢,中上部的叶片看上去很肥厚,并反卷而不托平,叶片的形状已由椭圆形变为长椭圆 Peppermint plant essential oil content and its ingredients with different growth stages of peppermint, different weather conditions and different harvesting time of the day changes, improper harvest time, greater loss of crude oil production. In order to make the harvest of mint abundant, we must closely consider the factors conducive to the increase of crude oil output at the time of harvest and take into account the prevailing “weather, geography” and the mentality of peppermint. First, timely harvest mint appearance According to production practices and experimental studies, when the top of the plant leaves a slow birth rate, the upper part of the blade looks very fat, and rewinding without care level, the shape of the leaves from oval into oblong
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