The Interaction Between The Different Scale Eddies of The Turbulence

来源 :Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haisangpiao
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The turbulence is composed from a large number of eddies of different scales.In the inertial range,the“2 / 3power-law”for velocity structure function and the“-5 / 3power-law”for energy spectrum were derived by Kolmogorov and were convinced as universal roughly.In this paper,the turbulence which obeys the power-law of the auto-correlation function will be taken as a matter of the different scale Brownian motions which obeys the exponent-law of the auto- correlation function and the local self-similarity for different scales.By which we demonstrated that the turbulentexchange coefficient of different scale hierarchy changes quantitatively with its scale size and atmospheric stratification stability The turbulence is composed from a large number of eddies of different scales. The inertial range, the “2 / 3power-law” for velocity structure function and the “-5 / 3power-law” for energy spectrum were derived by Kolmogorov and were convinced as universal roughly.In this paper, the turbulence which obeys the power-law of the auto-correlation function will be taken as a matter of the different scale Brownian motions which obeys the exponent-law of the auto-correlation function and the local self-similarity for different scales.By which we demonstrated that the turbulentexchange coefficient of different scale hierarchy changes quantitatively with its scale size and atmospheric stratification stability
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