建立物资流通新体系 管好计划 搞活市场

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建立高效、通畅、可调控的物资流通体系和计划指导下的生产资料市场,是物资体制改革的方向,从工作组织上可以说是一个庞大的“系统工程”,它涉及国民经济各部门的分工、经济体制的配套改革以及流通社会化和流通现代化等诸多问题,现仅就建立这个体系中如何管好计划、搞活市场的问题,讲几点意见。 一、指令性计划要把该管的事情真正管好 当前影响物流高效、通畅的一个重要方面,是国家指令性计划分配物资兑现率低。当物资紧缺时,有的生产企业隐瞒生产能力,不愿接受国家订货,次材顶指标,好材卖议价;既使勉强接受订货,也以种种理由迟交、少交。而当物资供大于求、资金紧张时、需方不提货、退定货合同或拖延承付贷款,也难以兑现计划。产生这种情况固然有思想观念、政策纪律等方面的问题,但计划管理内容,管理思想,管理方法上存在弊端,也是不容忽视的问题。从计划管理内容来说,多少年来存在着“三管三不管’的现象,即管小不管大、管近不管远、管短不管长、或者确切地说是小、近、短三个方面管得多、大、远、长三个方面管得少。小到一台汽车的购置要有资金计划,还 The establishment of an efficient, smooth, and regulated material distribution system and the production materials market guided by the plan is the direction of the reform of the material system. It can be said that the work organization is a huge “system engineering” that involves the division of labor in various departments of the national economy. The reform of the economic system, the reform of the economic system, the socialization of circulation, and the modernization of circulation are just a few suggestions on how to manage the plan and invigorate the market in this system. First, the mandatory plan should truly manage the affairs of the tube. An important aspect that currently affects the efficiency and smoothness of logistics is the low rate of redemption of materials allocated by the state’s mandatory plans. When supplies are in short supply, some production companies hide their production capacity, and they are reluctant to accept orders from the country, sub-materials top targets, and good materials to sell bargaining prices; even if they are reluctant to accept orders, they have to postpone and pay less for various reasons. It is also difficult to cash in the plan when the supply of materials exceeds demand, the funds are in short supply, the acquirer does not pick up the goods, the contract for repossessing goods is delayed or the loan is delayed. There are problems in terms of ideology, policy discipline, etc., but there are drawbacks in planning management content, management thinking, and management methods, which are also problems that cannot be ignored. From the aspect of plan management content, for many years there has been a phenomenon of “three pipes, three pipes, and no pipes”, that is, whether the management is small or small, the pipe is near or far, the pipe is short or it is long, or it is exactly small, near or short. There are many ways to control less, big, far, and long. The acquisition of a small car should have a financial plan.
目前,大中型商业批发企业面临困难很多,特别是企业负担过重的情况尤为突出。最近,我们围绕企业负担过重情况,对烟台百货站进行了专题调查。 At present, large and medium-
经历了资金匱乏、市场疲软、经营艰辛的1989年,跨入1990年对供销社企业来说,又是怎样一个年景呢?我们调查了即墨市供销社部分基层企业,得出的答案是: 企业处境 堪忧且喜今年
在去年全国出现市场销售疲软的经济形势下,山东省栖霞县商业系统的经营情况却是一番好景象:1989年全系统完成销售总额1.25亿元,比上年同期增长5.21%;实现利 In the economi