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连杆大头被分成两部分,一般采用齿形剖分面。在齿形剖分面上有时出现微振磨损破坏。连杆的可靠性取决于齿形的状况。因此,著者们完成了有关齿形的如下各项研究——有限元法计算分析,光弹性及负荷试验。通过这些研究,查明了如下诸点: 1.连杆大头剖分面的角度希望大于35°,以减小齿的应力。 2.连杆最适宜的形状是由最优化的有限元法结构设计所决定的。 3.齿形最适宜的形状是90°齿形,以减小齿顶负荷。 4.小齿均匀接触是好的,但紧固螺栓的预紧力不足时就不好了,而大齿效果相反。 5.为在齿间产生均匀的接触压力,连杆大头用四个螺栓紧固比用两个要好。 6.所得的齿间接触压力接近于零时,则可能导致微振磨损。 7.当齿彼此间分离时,则在分离齿和接触齿之间就出现微振磨损。 Connecting rod bulk is divided into two parts, generally used toothed split surface. Fretting abrasion damage sometimes occurs on the serrated surface. The reliability of the connecting rod depends on the condition of the tooth profile. As a result, the authors completed the following studies on tooth profiles: Finite Element Method Computation, Photoelasticity and Load Testing. Through these studies, the following points have been identified: 1. The angle of the large section of the connecting rod should be greater than 35 ° to reduce the tooth stress. 2. The most suitable shape of the connecting rod is determined by the structural design of the optimized finite element method. 3. The most suitable shape of the tooth profile is 90 ° tooth profile, in order to reduce the tooth top load. 4 small teeth uniform contact is good, but less than the pretightening force of the fastening bolt is not good, but the opposite effect of large teeth. 5. In order to produce uniform contact pressure between the teeth, connecting rod bolted with four bolts better than two. 6. The resulting interdental contact pressure near zero may result in fretting wear. 7. When the teeth are separated from each other, fretting wear occurs between the separating teeth and the contact teeth.
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