落实税收政策 促进经济发展——访全国人大代表、山西省国税局局长许月刚

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2008年下半年,金融风暴席卷全球,我国经济也不可避免地受到了影响。应对危机,税收责无旁贷。在落实党中央、国务院作出的保增长、扩内需、调结构战略部署、积极应对国际国内经济环境重大挑战的背景下,3月在北京召开的“两会”上,来自税务系统的7位人大代表和政协委员,就抵御金融危机、提振市场信心、充分发挥税收职能作用建言献策。身兼税务部门的领导与两会代表的双重身份,各位代表和委员还就践行科学发展观、促进社会和谐、推动民生进步、扶助弱势群体等强国富民之大计进行了认真的思考和努力。本刊特别组织策划了一组相关文章,请7位代表和委员结合自己的本职工作和“两会”提案畅谈思路和感想。 In the second half of 2008, the global financial crisis swept through the world and our economy is also inevitably affected. Deal with the crisis, tax responsibility. Under the background of implementing the strategic plan of maintaining growth, expanding domestic demand and adjusting the structure made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and actively coping with the major challenges in the international and domestic economic environment, the 7th from the taxation system held in March in Beijing held “two sessions” People’s deputies and CPPCC members have given advice and suggestions on how to resist the financial crisis, boost market confidence and give full play to the role of taxation. As both the leader of the taxation department and the dual identities of the NPC and CPPCC members, deputies and commission members also conscientiously pondered and worked hard on the plan of practicing the scientific outlook on development, promoting social harmony, promoting the livelihood of the people, and helping the disadvantaged groups and other people. Our special organization has planned a series of related articles. Seven representatives and members are invited to discuss ideas and feelings in light of their own work and proposals for “two sessions.”
1 前言纵跳是反映身体弹跳能力的一项指标。1921年美国的D.A.沙金特(Sargent)将它列入身体测试方案之中,观察跳跃高度。后来L.W.沙金特(Sargent)将它发展作为功率的测试指标
目的建立三黄滴丸的指纹图谱,为该制剂的质量控制提供实验基础。方法 采用高效液相色谱法,色谱柱Agilent TC-C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),流动相乙腈-0.1%磷酸水溶液,梯度洗脱
The calcia-stabilized zirconia grains with different sizes and the calcia-stabilized zirconia powder were used as main starting materials,m-ZrO2 micropowder and