Simulation of Water-Resistance of a Clay Layer During Mining:Analysis of a Safe Water Head

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BFM_99
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Given previous research and prototypical geological conditions of a mining workface,we simulated fis-sure development in clay layers at the bottom of Quaternary strata and above bedrock,sand and water inrush during mining by model experiments. The results show that V-shaped fissures usually occur in the bottom clay layer at the front top of the active face and that the position of these fissures changes periodically with ground pressure intervals. These fissures occur exactly in the area where the horizontal strain is concentrated. The results also demonstrate that the permeability coefficient of the cracked clay decreases while fissures tend to close. The permeability of the cracked bottom clay layer increases rapidly after a turning point in the permeability coefficient-water head curve (K-H curve) under a certain vertical load. Under static water pressure,the permeability coefficient of cracked clay decreases when load increases. A turning point in the K-H curve showed up and can be seen as a cutoff point to de-cide water inrush under a certain load level. Under an instantaneous water head,the greatest ability of the cracked clay to avoid drastic water inflow is a little higher than that under static conditions. Given previous research and prototypical geological conditions of a mining workface, we simulated fis-sure development in clay layers at the bottom of Quaternary strata and above bedrock, sand and water inrush during mining by model experiments. The results show that V-shaped fissures usually occur in the bottom clay layer at the front top of the active face and that the position of these fissures changes periodically with ground pressure intervals. These results also demonstrate that the permeability pressure intervals. of the cracked clay decreases while fissures tend to close. The permeability of the cracked bottom clay layer increases rapidly after a turning point in the permeability coefficient-water head curve (KH curve) under some certain vertical load. Under static water pressure, the permeability coefficient of cracked clay decreases when load increases. A turning point in the KH curve showed up and can be seen as a cutoff point to de-cide water inrush under a certain load level. Under an instantaneous water head, the greatest ability of the cracked clay to avoid drastic water inflow is a little higher than that under static conditions.
2008年,陕西省统计局以提高统计数据的科学性、准确性、权威性为中心,创新理念,把握机遇,应对挑战,提升能力,圆满完成了各项统计工作任务,重点统计监测 In 2008, Shaanxi Pr
各位来宾,各位同志: 正当全国上下学习贯彻党的六中全会精神的时候,中国扶贫基金会和新华社半月谈杂志社组织评选出了全国十大“扶贫状元”,并在这里举行颁奖会。我首先向新
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