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在国内经济“新常态”和国际油价持续低迷的双重压力下,中国石油产业必须实现从要素驱动、投资驱动向创新驱动转变。中国石油产业实施创新驱动发展战略,既面临“互联网+”、世界石油市场再平衡、《中国制造2025》和“一带一路”战略实施等机遇,也面临中东地缘政治局势动荡、我国石油供应长期不足、拉美和非洲产油国存在债务违约风险以及环境约束、新能源技术等挑战;既拥有国家政策给予大力支持、产业链完整以及我国能源强度持续下降、能源结构不断优化等优势,也存在行业成本高位运行、要素运营机制不合理、研究与试验发展(R&D)投入强度较低、缺乏高水平人才、石油产业存在结构性供给问题等不足。我国石油产业要充分把握世界石油市场再平衡机遇期,大力实施成本控制策略,转变发展理念,立足自主创新。同时,政府的政策引导和创新平台建设也是不可或缺的。 Under the dual pressures of the domestic economy, the “new normal” and the continued downturn in international oil prices, the Chinese petroleum industry must realize the transformation from factor-driven investment-driven to innovation-driven. China’s oil industry has implemented an innovation-driven development strategy, facing not only opportunities such as “Internet +”, rebalancing of the world oil market, “Made in China 2025” and “Belt and Road” strategies, but also turmoil in the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. Our country Long-term shortage of oil supply, Latin American and African oil-producing countries have the risk of debt default and environmental constraints, new energy technologies and other challenges; both with strong support from the national policy, the industrial chain and the continuous decline in energy intensity, energy structure optimization, There are also some problems such as high industrial costs, unreasonable operational mechanism of factors, low investment in R & D, lack of qualified personnel and structural supply problems in the oil industry. China’s petroleum industry should fully grasp the opportunities for rebalancing the world oil market, vigorously implement cost control strategies, change the concept of development, and give full scope to independent innovation. At the same time, government policy guidance and innovation platform construction are also indispensable.
本文使用泰来气象站1971-2004年十六方位风速、风向资料,2009年7月-2010年6月气象站与附近测风塔10 m高度逐时风速、风向资料,分析城市化对风序列的影响。结果表明:泰来县年