Gastric cancer: Current status of lymph node dissection

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D2 procedure has been accepted in Far East as the standard treatment for both early(EGC) and advanced gastric cancer(AGC) for many decades. Recently EGC has been successfully treated with endoscopy by endoscopic mucosal resection or endoscopic submucosal
Surgery represents the main curative therapeuticmodality for gastric cancer, and it is occasionallyconsidered for palliation as well as prophylaxis. Mostfrequen
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摘要:化学实验是化学教学中不可缺少的一部分,而在进行化学实验教学和科研活动中,或多或少都会产生一些实验废弃物,对环境极易造成污染。中学化学实验绿色化作为一种全新的环保理念,引起了很大的关注。保护人类赖以生存的环境,每个人都有责任,改变化学实验中的传统观念推行化学实验绿色设计理念,既能保护自然环境又能保护学生的生命安全。本文将对如何推进中学化学实验绿色化作出初步探索,并提出相关建议。  关键词:中学
Gastric cancer is a common neoplastic disease and,more precisely, is the third leading cause of cancerdeath in the world, with differences amongst geographicare
摘要:高效课堂建设中,把错误作为教育资源来开发,将使课堂锦上添花。我们应巧用错误资源,促进课堂的有效生成;开发错误资源,让思维激荡思维,引发师生高效互动。另外,收集学生的错误,形成独特的课程资源,使课后复习更加高效。  关键词:生物教学 错误资源 课堂生成 探究 复习  任何正确的答案,都是通过曲折地探索得到的。在高效课堂建设中,如果我们能把错误作为教育资源来开发,变“废”为“宝”,那我们的课堂将
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Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is now the fifth cancer of greatest frequency and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths worldwide. Chief amongst the r