Achievements of Space Scientific Experiments Aboard SJ-8 Satellite

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As scientific experiment payloads,microgravity experiments of fluid physics,life science,combustion science,physics and accelerator measurement were conducted on board the Chinese recoverable satellite SJ-8 during 18-day orbital flight.The experimental payloads and an experiment support system constituted the microgravity experiment system of the flight mission.This article has presented the briefs of the scientific achievements of these space experiments,the composition and performance of the Microgravity Experimental System(MES) and the general picture of the overall flight mission,respectively. As scientific experiment payloads, microgravity experiments of fluid physics, life science, combustion science, physics and accelerator measurement were conducted on board the Chinese recoverable satellite SJ-8 during 18-day orbital flight. The experimental payloads and an experiment support system composed of the microgravity experiment system of the flight mission. This article has presented the briefs of the scientific achievements of these space experiments, the composition and performance of the Microgravity Experimental System (MES) and the general picture of the overall flight mission, respectively.
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