,Viscous Dark Energy Models with Variable G and Λ

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forreg
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We consider a cosmological model with bulk viscosity η and variable cosmological Λ∝ρ-α, alpha =const and gravitational G constants. The model exhibits many interesting cosmological features. Inflation proceeds du to the presence of bulk viscosity and dark energy without requiring the equation of state p = -ρ. During the inflationary era the energy density ρ does not remain constant, as in the de-Sitter type. Moreover, the cosmological and gravitational constants increase exponentially with time, whereas the energy density and viscosity decrease exponentially with time. The rate of mass creation during inflation is found to be very huge suggesting that all matter in the universe is created during inflation.
摘 要:课堂互动分为积极互动与消极互动,后者以求得功利为目的,前者以探讨问题为旨归。高校“思想政治理论课”课堂教学要实现师生积极互动,教师必须要做好备课工作,以理论的力量推动课堂气氛活跃,提升教学质量。“讨论点评式、评论启发式、理论解读式”是克服高校“思想政治理论课”课堂教学中师生互动娱乐化倾向的好办法。  关键词:课堂教学; 理论准备; 积极互动  中图分类号: G642 文献标识码:A 文章编
摘 要:思想政治教育必须寓于社会生活,其原因在于思想政治教育本身是社会生活的重要组成部分,社会生活是思想政治教育运行的深厚土壤。思想政治教育寓于社会生活,主要是思想政治教育主体素质、条件、形式、内容和载体寓于社会生活。思想政治教育寓于社会生活表现出渗透性、承载性和融通性等特点。思想政治教育寓于社会生活既有利于提高思想政治教育实效性,也有利于呼应思想政治教育生活化的命题。  关键词:思想政治教育;
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