
来源 :广东党史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yumimiteresa
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2008年6月26日上午,由中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记汪洋主持的省委常委会会议,讨论通过了《中共广东省委关于进一步加强党史工作的意见》(以下简称《意见》)。会议强调指出,党史工作是党的一项重要工作。长期以来,全省各级党史工作部门认真履行职责,取得了突出成绩,推动我省党史工作走在全国前列。面对新形势新任务,各级党委要进一步认识到做好党史工作的重要性,切实把党史工作摆上重要议事日程。要进一步加强党史研究和资料征集工作,注重征集改革开放以来的党史资料。要进一步发挥好党史资政育人功能,开辟服务现实的新渠道。要进一步加强对党史工作的领导,各级党委每年至少要听取一次党史工作汇报,经常给党史部门出题目、交任务,重视解决党史部门队伍建设、经费保障等问题,努力推动党史工作不断取得新成绩。会后,省委以粤发[2008]6号文将《意见》发至县级以上党委。现全文刊登,以便学习和贯彻。 On the morning of June 26, 2008, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee chaired by Wang Yang, secretary of the CPC Central Committee and member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, discussed and approved the Opinions of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee on Further Strengthening the Work of the Party History (hereinafter referred to as “Opinions” "). The meeting emphasized that the party history work is an important work of the party. For a long time, the departments of party history work at all levels in the province have conscientiously performed their duties, made outstanding achievements and pushed the party history work in our province at the forefront of the whole country. In the face of the new situation and new tasks, party committees at all levels must further understand the importance of doing a good job in the work of the party history and earnestly place the work of the party history on an important agenda. It is necessary to further strengthen the study of the history of the party and the collection of information and pay attention to the collection of party history materials since the reform and opening up. We must further give play to the functions of educating the people by means of history of the Party and open up new channels of serving reality. To further strengthen the leadership of the work of the party history, the party committees at all levels must at least hear a report on the work of the party history each year, frequently give topics and tasks for the department of the history of the party, attach great importance to solving the problems concerning the construction of party history departments and funding and strive to promote the party History work continuously made new achievements. After the meeting, the provincial party committee issued the Opinion to Party committees above the county level with the text of Yue Fa [2008] No. 6. The full text is published in order to learn and implement.
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