Applied Sequence Stratigraphy in Nonmarine Basin of China

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahchzgq
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This paper presents a preliminary summary of the applied sequence stratigraphy in nonmarine basins in China. The geological and geophysical data show that the nonmarine sequences mainly resulted from both allocyclic and autocyclic processes where the most important factors were isolated tectonics and climate. However, the environmental factor should have been crucial. The depositional base level served as the sea level in the marine environment, while the water table, lake level and fluvial equilibrium were profiled in a terrigenous environment. This accommodation varied periodically with the base level, resulting in the formation of a series of depositional sequences in terms of genesis and space. Basically, the base level of the inner continent was not affected by the changes in the relative sea level. But there would have been some relations between the changes in the relative sea level and that in the continental base level during eustacy flooding. However, a small time lag existed between the changes in the marine basin and the inner continent basin, The lake basin is smaller than the marine basin, but its velocity of sediment supply is greater than that of the marine basin. Therefore, the number of nonmarine sequences is greater than that of marine ones in the same period. It is important to recognize the system tracts for the study of high-precision or high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, especially to analyze the low-stand systems tract with its depositional system. The sequence boundary is genetically characterized by subaerial exposure, stratigraphic truncation and subaqueous erosion. The deposition analysis of Zhanhua depression reveals 5 sequence architectures: alluvial-fluvial/lacustrine architecture, transitional architecture formed between haline (mesohaline) lake and fresh lake, marine duration-deep lacustrine architecture, half deep lacustrine-ramp architecture and fluvial-alluvial plain architecture. During the major development of the nonmarine basin, the step-faulting breaks controlled the depositional system. Usually, the low-stand complex fan, prograding wedge and high-stand turbidity fan were close to the third stepping break. In the low-stand period, the sediments went around the incised valleys which then were filled with sand bar near the second stepping break. At the first stepping break the sediments were bypassed step by step or the alluvial fan was deposited with forced regressions in the low-stand time. The low-stand wedge may serve as favorable subtle or complex traps at the basin floor fan. The economic effectiveness is measured with the borehole in Bohai Bay basin. This paper presents a preliminary summary of the applied sequence stratigraphy in nonmarine basins in China. The geological and geophysical data show that the nonmarine sequences mainly resulted from both allocyclic and autocyclic processes where the most important factors were isolated tectonics and climate. However, the environmental factor should have been crucial. The depositional base level served as the sea level in the marine environment, while the water table, lake level and fluvial equilibrium were profiled in a terrigenous environment. This deposition varied based with the base level, resulting in the formation of a series of depositional sequences in terms of genesis and space. Basically, the base level of the inner continent was not affected by the changes in the relative sea level. But there would have been some relations between the changes in the relative sea level and that in the continental base level during eustacy flooding. However, a small time lag existed between the changes in the marine basin and the inner continent basin, The lake basin is smaller than the marine basin, but its velocity of sediment supply is greater than that of the marine basin. marine one in the same period. It is important to recognize the system tracts for the study of high-precision or high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, especially to analyze the low-stand systems tract with its depositional system. The deposition analysis of Zhanhua depression reveals 5 sequence architectures: alluvial-fluvial / lacustrine architecture, transitional architecture formed between haline (mesohaline) lake and fresh lake, marine duration-deep lacustrine architecture, half deep lacustrine -ramp architecture and fluvial-alluvial plain architecture. During the major development of the nonmarineIn the low-stand period, the sediments went around the incised valleys which then were filled with sand bar near the second stepping break. At the first stepping break the sediments were bypassed step by step or the alluvial fan was deposited with forced regressions in the low-stand time. The low-stand wedge may serve as favorable subtle or complex traps at the basin floor fan. The economic effectiveness is measured with the borehole in Bohai Bay basin.
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