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王建设,你这个新上任的棉纺厂团委书记,我在北京人艺学员班演出的新戏《王建设当官》中认识了你。散了戏,两个在工厂当团委书记的青年朋友跑来对我说,他们认识你,你就生活在他们身边;他们有和你一样的苦恼、和你一样的忧虑。不过,他们刚调到团委的时候,可都不象你这么窝囊呀! 王建设,我也觉得你有点窝囊。为了掀起青年工人学技术的热潮,你贴出“招贤榜”:谁达到技术指标,就让谁参加省里的表彰大会。这把火点得好,群众都支持你。可领导给你出了个难题,偏要让没达到技术标准的大姐王慧仙去省里开会,而达到技术标准的小妹王慧贤却不能去。说是“树起来的老劳模不能倒”。你知道这种做法没道理,可又顶不住上边的压力,“头儿”的精神不断变化,你也随着这些变化做了一连串让人啼笑皆非的蠢事。于是,小妹嘲笑你,大姐埋怨你,知心伙伴们讽刺你……王建设,你真这么窝囊吗? Wang Jianshe, your new secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Cotton Textile Plant, met with you in the new play “The King’s Ancestral Officer” in the performance of the BeiJing Art Class. When the two friends at the factory, who served as Communist Youth League secretary, ran to me and said they knew you, and you lived beside them; they had the same distress as you and the same anxiety as yours. However, when they just transferred to the Youth League, they are not so useless to you! Wang construction, I think you are a bit useless. In order to lift the wave of young workers learning technology boom, you posted the “Hiring List”: Who reached the technical indicators, let who participate in the provincial commendation ceremony. This is a good fire, the masses support you. Can give you a leadership problem, partial to not meet the technical standards of the eldest sister Wang Hui cents to the meeting in the province, and to meet the technical standards of the younger sister Wang Huixian can not go. That is “old tree model can not be fallen down.” You know this is unjustified, but it can not withstand the pressure from above. The spirit of “head child” is constantly changing. And you have also made a series of ridiculous folly with these changes. As a result, the younger sister laughed at you, big sister blames you, satirical companions are satirical you ... ... Wang construction, you are so useless it?
本文在详细分析南江核桃优果率不高的原因的基础上,从技术角度提出了解决这一问题的对策和措施: 1、部分核桃品种质量差。过去许多核桃未经过人工选择,而是通过风力传播