咳痰塔特姆氏菌(TAT.Ptyseos)为肠杆菌科,塔特姆菌属(Tatumella),属仅有的一个种,为人类少见的条件致病菌,美国疾病控制中心(CDC)曾命名为“EF-9”群。我实验室从痰中分离出一株,报道如下。一、病例患者女,24岁,护士,因肺部感染入院,做痰培养两次,均分离出咳痰塔特姆氏菌,用敏感抗生素治疗,痊愈出院。二、细菌学鉴定及药敏 1.培养特性清晨生理盐水嗽口,咳深部痰接种血琼脂平板35℃ 24h,可见有中等大小、光滑、湿润突起,不溶血灰白色菌落。麦康凯平板上生长良好,为无色半透明稍扁平的光滑菌落。革兰氏阴性小杆菌,无动力,氧化酶(—)。 2.鉴定用美国B-D公司生产的细菌自动化鉴定分析仪(Sceptor)鉴定,结果为咳痰塔特姆氏菌,符
TAT. Ptyseos is an Enterobacteriaceae and Tatumella. It belongs to the only species that is rare in humans. It has been reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Name it “EF-9 ”. My laboratory isolated from a sputum, reported below. First, the case of female patients, 24 years old, nurses, admitted to hospital for pulmonary infection, sputum culture twice, were isolated sputum Tartarus sputum, with sensitive antibiotics, discharged. Second, the identification of bacteriology and drug sensitivity 1. Cultivation characteristics Early morning saline mouth, cough deep sputum inoculated blood agar plate 35 ℃ 24h, we can see a medium size, smooth, moist processes, insoluble blood-gray colonies. Macconi plates grew well, with a slightly flat, translucent smooth colony. Gram-negative bacilli, no motility, oxidase (-). 2. Identification with the United States B-D production of bacteria automated identification analyzer (Sceptor) identification, the result is Candida Kombucha,