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  Okay, that does it注1! I have heard excuses one too many times for being a housewife! Who the heck thinks they are so much better than the woman of the home? Who dares compare themselves in even the smallest fashion to this paragon[模范] of virtue?
  I am NOT a Domestic Engineer[即家庭主妇]; nor am I Queen of the Castle. I am most definitely not diva注2 of the mansion[官邸] or any other ridiculous term which denigrates[贬低] my daily work in my chosen career.
  Yes, I said career. Oh, my gosh, do I see my fellow housewives trying to shrink into the wallpaper at being recognized as career women?
  Ladies, stop fading and step to the forefront[最前面] of this paper room. Hold your heads up, push your chests out, pull your tummies in, dare anyone to confront you!
  Oh, you think since you don’t get paychecks, you can’t be career women? Get over it! The gentleman, who leaves home every day to bring home dough, is bringing it to you! You get that money and with it the responsibility of making it stretch[延伸] until it squeals[尖叫]
  with pain! He works solely to have enough money to pay you to make his life bearable. Not too shabby[卑鄙的], huh?
  You’ve heard the statistics... If you were paid for the jobs you do with an hourly wage, few people could afford to hire you. That makes you special! You have more talents in your little finger than most have in their whole lives.
  You heal the sick, make the lazy walk, feed the multitudes[一大群人] (your kids’ friends), and keep the economy cycling by supporting your local stores. You teach, you preach, you are the disciplinarian[执行纪律者]
  and you are the soother[抚慰者] of hurt feelings. You keep everyone else on schedule and you manage the accounting in your home. You are the ultimate ambassador, keeping all diverse personalities calm and interacting in a logical manner.
  You are a builder, a plumber[水管工人], electrician, seamstress[女裁缝], gardener, party giver extraordi-naire[(后缀)非凡的], backbone of your local PTA注3, nutritionist, and appliance[器具] repair person.
  You are the calming waters poured over your husband after a hard day and a pitcher[水壶] of ice water dashed on his head when he forgets you need quiet time, too.
  You are the finder of funds for college, music and judo classes. You are the finger of fate for the child who dares come up against your power, offering leniency[仁慈] or demanding penance[惩罚].
  You are the reason that stupid cat is still alive at 26 years and the goldfish is now mammoth[巨大的] instead of flushed down the toilet. You are the ball player your dog depends on for exercise.
  You are a major player in the population of the world. If you can’t bear your own children, you reach out to those who have no one else. You help them grow and learn to love.
  Few in the corporate[共同的] world could handle half of your tasks and remain sane[头脑清楚的], especially when they discover they get a pay increase only if their partner gets one and shares it.
  I, for one, am proud to have the CAREER of HOUSEWIFE. I will never think of it as a pastime or lowest of the low position in life. I will, however, dare anyone who doesn’t do this job on a regular basis to try it for a week. Let’s see if you can get even halfway through my lists (yes, that’s plural[复数的]) without running screaming back to your office to crawl[爬] under your desk.
  Come on, ladies, I think it’s time for a well-deserved coffee break, don’t you?
  注3:家长教师协会(Parent-Teacher Association)的缩写。
阅读小提示:本文虽涉及较多化学和物理用语,但篇幅短,原理简单,建议先通读全文,理解大意,并把生词进行归类,以便再次阅读时加深记忆。    Fireworks were developed by the ancient Chinese and are the oldest and most basic form of rocket.  Many of our modern day 1)weaponr
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