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去年末,甘肃省土地管理局结合对各地、州、市1991年土地管理工作责任制执行情况的考核,对全省建立地籍档案室的情况进行了全面检查。检查结果表明,全省86个具、市、区,已有60个达到了有专门房间、有卷宗、有管理制度、有专人管理的标准,其余16个县,也初步具备了档案管理的条件。这一可喜成果,标志着甘肃省土地没有地籍档案历史的结束,将为土地管理和国民经济建设发挥重要的作用。为了使土地管理工作形成的资料尽快形成档案,甘肃省土地管理局执行《档案法》和国家土地管理局有关规定,和省档案局联合发出《关于进一步加 Late last year, Gansu Bureau of Land Management combined with the assessment of the implementation of the responsibility system for land administration in all localities, prefectures and cities in 1991, and conducted a comprehensive inspection on the establishment of cadastral archives in the province. The inspection results show that in the 86 provinces, cities and districts in the province, 60 have reached the standards of specialized rooms, dossiers, management systems and manpower management. The remaining 16 counties also have the initial conditions for file management . This gratifying achievement marks the end of the absence of the history of cadastral archives in Gansu Province and will play an important role in land management and national economic construction. In order to make the data formed by the land management work as soon as possible, the Gansu Bureau of Land Management implemented the “Archives Law” and the relevant provisions of the State Land Administration, and the Provincial Archives jointly issued the "
历时近一年的第五届全国优 秀儿童文学作品评奖活动 日前降下帷幕,20部作品从来自全国的260多部(篇)中脱颖而出。这是中国作家协会对20世纪末中国儿童文学的一次大检阅,也是
毫无疑问,在Print 13召开之前,随着Print 13召开日期的日益临近,美国印刷业展览公司和NPES多少会觉得有些忐忑和不安。传统印刷市场的疲软以及数字印刷市场的火热减少了传统
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虽然还有4年多时间,但现在就要开始做很多准备工作以迎接规模庞大将有100多个国家1000人参加的第13届国际档案大会。 3月13日,第13届国际档案大会组织委员会成立大会在北京