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加《医学邮报》第16卷第4期(1980年)报道亚特兰大消息:据此地疾病控制中心(CDC)称,法国东部一名36岁男子因接受角膜移植而狂患犬病。此为第二例因角膜移殖而传播狂犬病的病例报告。在此种人与人之间传播的狂犬病中,角膜供者是一名因患弛缓性四肢麻痹综合征而死亡的57岁妇女。 CDC称,“正如美国报告的第一例角膜移植传播狂犬病的病例一样,供者因临床表现不典型,缺少确切的动物接触史,故在死亡后 Plus Medical Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4 (1980) Atlanta: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a 36-year-old man from eastern France is suffering from dog disease due to a corneal transplant. This is the second case of transmission of rabies due to corneal metastasis. Among such human-to-human rabies, the corneal donor is a 57-year-old woman who died of flaccid limbs paralysis. CDC said that "as reported by the United States, the first case of corneal transplant spread of rabies, donors because of clinical manifestations of atypical, the lack of an accurate history of animal exposure, so after the death
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