
来源 :陕西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiyinbo007
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處暑已過,白露將至,緊張的秋收秋播季節决到了。各級人民政府應集中力量,抓緊時機,依靠互助合作,組織與領導農民,切实做好秋收秋播,爭取今年秋田豐收,並为明年小麥豐收打好可靠基礎,已成为當前農業生產戰线上一項極其緊迫的首要任務。为此,特作如下指示: (一)認真做好冬小麥播種工作。一九五五年的小麥墦種面積,除陝北小麥種植比例较小的宜麥地區及秋季作物受災地區,可視條件有計划的適當擴大種植面積外,关中,陕南地區一般應穩定在一九五四年小麥播種面積的基礎上。在適當地擴大小麥播種面積時,各地(特别是主要產棉 Summer heat has passed, white dew approaching, tense autumn harvest autumn season arrived. People’s governments at all levels should concentrate their efforts on seizing the opportune moment, relying on mutual aid and cooperation, organizing and leading peasants, earnestly implementing autumn harvest and autumn harvest, and laying a solid foundation for next year’s wheat harvest, which has become the current agricultural production front An extremely urgent priority. To this end, special make the following instructions: (a) earnestly do a good job of winter wheat sowing. In 1955, the area of ​​wheat cultivars, except for the areas with a small proportion of wheat planted in northern Shaanxi and the affected areas in autumn crops, should be planned to be expanded appropriately in accordance with the planned planting area. Generally, Guanzhong and southern Shaanxi should be stabilized at 19 Five or four years on the basis of wheat sown area. When properly expanding the sown area of ​​wheat, various areas (especially the major cotton-producing areas
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小朋友们,每当你跟爸爸妈妈上街横过马路时,走的是那种画有一道道白线的“斑马线”人行横道吗?要记住,它是行人的安全线。人行横道线是什么时候产生的呢? 早在古罗马时代,在
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