A Model for Predicting Laminar Gas Flow Through Micropassages

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alex851123
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An theoretical investigation was conducted to detect the gas-solid interface effect on laminar flow characteristics for gas flowing through micropassages. In the wall-adjacent region, the change in viscosity of fluid vs the distance from the wall surface, as derived from the kinetic theory of gases result in significallt influence on the flow characteristics in micropassages. A model was proposed to account for the wall effect. Analytical expressions for velocity profiles and pressure drop were derived, respectively,for laminar fiow of gases in microtubes and in extremely narrow parallel plates. The Knudsen number,Kn, as a criterion, that the fiow can be treated reasonably as flow in macrochannels, is discussed. An theoretical investigation was conducted to detect the gas-solid interface effect on laminar flow characteristics for gas flowing through micropassages. In the wall-adjacent region, the change in viscosity of fluid vs the distance from the wall surface, as derived from the kinetic theory of gases result in significallt influence on the flow characteristics in micropassages. respectively. Analytical expressions for velocity profiles and pressure drop were derived, respectively, for laminar fiow of gases in microtubes and in extremely narrow parallel plates The Knudsen number, Kn, as a criterion, that the fiow can be treated reasonably as flow in macrochannels, is discussed.
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