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黑龙江省东京城林业局京江公司现有职工178名,建筑面积5000m~2。一个以生产卫生筷子产品为主的出口创汇企业。自1988年10月转制后,公司一举扭亏为盈。现已累计生产卫生筷子50万箱,实现产值4500万元,利税850万元,创汇560万美元。其中,1994年生产了卫生筷子5.5万箱,实现产值500多万元,实现利税100多万元,出口创汇60多万美元。固定资产已由54万元增值到780万元,并有充足的流动资金。公司既无外债,也无内债。员工工资一个月不欠。今年1—6月,共生产卫生筷子4.2万箱,实现产值378万元,利税79万元,创 Beijing Forestry Bureau of Tokyo City, Heilongjiang Province, the existing staff of 178 companies, construction area of ​​5000m ~ 2. A production of health chopsticks products export-oriented enterprises. Since the restructuring in October 1988, the company turned losses into profits. Has now produced 500,000 boxes of health chopsticks, the output value of 45 million yuan, profits and taxes 8.5 million yuan, foreign exchange 5.6 million. Among them, 55,000 boxes of chopsticks were produced in 1994, with the output value of over 5 million yuan, profits and taxes of over 1 million yuan and foreign exchange receipts of more than 600,000 U.S. dollars. Fixed assets have increased from 540000 yuan to 7800000 yuan, and have sufficient liquidity. The company has neither foreign debt nor domestic debt. Staff wages do not owe a month. From January to June this year, a total of 42,000 boxes of chopsticks were produced, achieving a production value of 3.78 million yuan with a profit tax of 790000 yuan
最近我收到一封陌生大学生Zanele Mutepfa写来的约见信,她在信里说:“有些人可能觉得相信一个陌生人很奇怪,但事实上每个人都曾获得过陌生人的信任,正因为这样,我们才能走到
通过列举实例,讨论晶体管放大电路的图解分析法,指出点斜法画直流负载线和交流负载线时应该注意的问题。 By enumerating the examples and discussing the graphic analysis
Chapter One Containerization During the rapid and stable development of China’s economy and foreign trade, coastal ports act as windows for the nation to join
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