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龟蜡蚧(Ceroplastes japonicusGveen)属同翅目蚧壳虫科,主要危害行道树悬铃木。龟蜡蚧喜栖息于阴湿、空气不甚流通,或日光不直射处,故附着于叶背和枝条背面多,枝梢密生也能引起大量增殖。在我市一年发生一代,以雌成虫在枝条上越冬,次年4月下旬至5月上旬开始产卵,5月中、下旬为产卵盛期,卵产在雌 Ceroplastes japonicus Gveen belongs to the Homoptera insects, the main endanger tree Platanus. Tortoise wax scale hi habitat in the wet, the air is not very fluid, or the sun is not direct at the Department, it is attached to the back of the leaves and the branches on the back more than the branches can also cause a lot of dense proliferation. In our city a generation occurs a year, in order to female adults overwintering branches, the following year from late April to early May spawning, mid-May, mid-late for the spawning period, oviparous female
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水稻一柱香病(Ephelis oryzae sydow)是我省特有的病害。新中国成立后,曾被定为国内的检疫对象。据1956年调查,在我省的昆明、大理、楚雄、丽江、曲靖、临沧、保山、文山、
杭州市财政局加快改革步伐,严格规范管理,创造性地开展各项工作,市级财政自1993年摘掉赤字大户帽子以来,收支规模逐年壮 Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Finance accelerate