
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuhui098
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我们于1991年6月~1992年4月通过对林芝地区直属机关单位和林芝县4个乡的高危孕产妇的筛选,发现高原妊娠高血压综合征(简称妊高征)发病率明显高于平原地区,而且移居汉族的发病率高于世居藏族。一、资料来源自1991年6月开始对林芝地区直属机关单位,林芝县4个乡(东久、百巴、布久、八一)的孕产妇进行全面系统管理,筛选高危妊娠。机关城镇孕妇定期在妇幼保健院检查,农村孕妇由妇幼保健院医生定期下乡逐村逐户检查,孕妇检查率平均达90%以上。至1992年4月共计183名孕妇接受了检查,患者基础血压均正常。二、结果检查孕妇183人,筛选出妊高征患者 From June 1991 to April 1992, we screened high-risk pregnant women directly affiliated with Nyingchi Prefecture and 4 townships in Nyingchi Prefecture, and found that the incidence of high pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (PIH) was significantly higher than that of plain Area, but the incidence of immigrant Han is higher than that of native Tibetans. I. DATA SOURCES Since June 1991, we have conducted a comprehensive and systematic management of pregnant women and mothers in 4 townships (Dongkuo, Baiba, Bujiu and Bayi), the institutions directly under the Nyingchi Prefecture and in the four townships of Nyingchi Prefecture, to screen high-risk pregnancies. MCHs in urban areas are regularly inspected in MCHCs. Rural pregnant women are regularly inspected by the MCH doctors and go to the villages regularly to check the village by village. The average rate of pregnant women is over 90%. To April 1992 a total of 183 pregnant women underwent examination, the patient’s basic blood pressure were normal. Second, the results of 183 pregnant women, screening out PIH patients