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经过十多年的改革开放,尤其是党的十四大以来,个体私营经济发展速度之迅猛已出乎人们的预料,已经由八十年代的拾遗补缺变成国民经济的组成部分、市场经济的先导力量,现在已成为地方经济的支撑点,成为缺一不可的方面军,他们中的许多人已跨入现代企业家的行列。目前,一些个体私营企业在完成第一次创业成功之后,正在积蓄人才、知识、物力、财力,步入艰难的第二次创业阶段,将个体私营经济推向更加辉煌,更加富有希望和成就的新领域,用一些有识之士的个体私营企业主自己的话说是“而今迈步从头越。” After more than 10 years of reform and opening up, especially since the 14th CPC National Congress, the rapid pace of development of the private and private sectors of the economy has been beyond people’s expectations. It has changed from a deficit in the 1980s to a component of the national economy. Market economy Pilots, now the backbone of the local economy, have become indispensable frontiers, many of whom have stepped into the ranks of modern entrepreneurs. At present, some private and private enterprises are saving their talents, knowledge, material and financial resources after they have successfully completed their first successful start-up. They have stepped into a difficult second start-up phase and pushed the individual and private economy toward more brilliant, more hopeful and accomplished In the new field, individual and private entrepreneurs who use some people of insight are “now starting to step back.”
一、前 言信息系统安全包括网络安全、操作系统安全、数据安全、应用安全和管理安全等多方面的内容,其中数据安全是信息系统安全的重要组成部分,数据安全的实施又包括防病毒
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