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在南太平洋,日本、台湾、朝鲜的渔船使用流网,使海洋生态系统遭到了毁灭性的破坏,虽然这个问题已经成为很久的问题,但是,至今仍然遭到该地区其它国家的强烈反对。流网是用尼龙丝制成的,由于生物的眼睛很难看到,故又称为“死亡的垟壁”,这种渔网能够将海水中游动的鱼类、海豚、小鲸、海龟,海鸟等一切生物都挂起来。渔船只是把墨鱼和金枪鱼作为捕捞的对象,其它以外捕捞的生物死后都抛弃在海里,由于这种抛弃率占全部捕获物的40%,故是一种非常浪费的捕渔方法。上述三个地方在南太平洋上捕渔的流网船已增加到1200~1500只,这些船的流网总 In the South Pacific, the use of drift-nets by fishing vessels in Japan, Taiwan and North Korea has caused devastating damage to the marine ecosystem. Although this issue has become a long-standing issue, it is still strongly opposed by other countries in the region. The net is made of nylon wire, which is also known as the “wall of death” due to the eyes of creatures. The nets can move fish, dolphins, whales, turtles and sea All creatures such as birds are hung up. Fishing vessels only target cuttlefish and tuna. Other than those caught outside, they abandon their life after the death, which is a very wasteful method of fishing because they account for 40% of the total catch. The number of drift-net vessels caught in these three places in the South Pacific has risen to 1,200 to 1,500, and the total net-flow of these ships
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江浙蝮蛇抗栓酶(Svate)用于治疗血栓性疾病普遍显效。但也有一定的副作用.笔者遇到Svate 致房室交接处逸搏心律(A-V junetionalescape rhythm)一例,报告如下:病历摘要陈某,
点评从总体上看,海马海福星在本次调查中表现平平,百车故障率(PP100)356,总排名第四十三,在自主品牌中排名第十。 Comments Overall, the hippocampus starfish in this sur
吸入氮气致肺部炎性改变,较少见,我院收治1例,报告如下。 患者,男,23岁。1990—03下入氨水罐中取剩余的少量氨水。3min后就感流泪、胸闷、心跳加快,出来时木梯折断又掉入罐
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