Accelerating Oil and Gas Exploration in Western China by Studies of Formations of Hydrocarbon Accumu

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:brettymate
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The superimposed basins in the western region of China are a hot research topic for earth scientists home and abroad for their vast area and rich oil and gas resources.Their complex geological conditions and resultant great exploration difficulties have received much attention of the scientists.This issue presents the advances of several scholars in their long-term research on the mechanisms of oil and gas accumulation and the patterns of oil and gas distribution.These studies are part of the National 973 Project entitled “Mechanism of Oil and Gas Accumulation and The superimposed basins in the western region of China are a hot research topic for earth scientists home and abroad for their vast area and rich oil and gas resources. Their complex geological conditions and resulting great exploration difficulties have received much attention of the scientists.This issue presents the advances of several scholars in their long-term research on the mechanisms of oil and gas accumulation and the patterns of oil and gas distribution. The studies are part of the National 973 Project entitled ”Mechanism of Oil and Gas Accumulation and
目的探讨奥美拉唑及奥曲肽联合治疗消化性溃疡合并上消化道出血的临床疗效。方法 60例消化性溃疡合并上消化道出血患者,根据入院单双号分为研究组和对照组,各30例。研究组给
本文从加强内包装,简化外包装的观点出发,论述了该厂在改革弹药包装中作出的努力和取得的成绩,并提出了今后发展的方向。 From the point of view of strengthening the inn
白羊座(3月21日~4月20日)   本月白羊的整体运势不佳,健康状况较差。工作上,即使努力上进,自信心也会在某些时候受到打击。因此要以一颗平常心对待事物。爱情方面,单身白羊的桃花运不少,可是要谨防桃花陷阱。千万不要昏了头脑,造成不必要的损失。恋爱中的白羊要注意与恋人的沟通,积极保持爱情的新鲜度,才能更好地发展两人的感情。细心地关怀也是给爱情加分的要素。理财方面,白羊的财气很弱,有借款的危机。虽然