准确全面严谨 宣传报道好三中全会精神

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新华社副总编辑、党组成员,新华社新媒体中心主任慎海雄中共中央政治局委员、中宣部部长刘奇葆近日出席全国宣传部长会议并发表讲话时强调,宣传思想文化战线要把学习宣传贯彻党的十八届三中全会精神作为重大政治任务,准确全面严谨地宣传全会精神,迅速兴起学习宣传贯彻全会精神的热潮。党的十八届三中全会是全面深化改革的一次总动员、总部署,对于实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦具有里程碑意义。全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,深刻剖析了我国改革发展稳定面临的重大理论和实践问题,阐明了全面深化改革的重大意义和未来方向,提出了全面深化改革的指导思想、目标任务、重大原则,描绘了全面深化改革的新蓝图、新愿景、新目标,汇集了全面深化改革的新思想、新论断、新举措,积极回应了人民群众的呼声、诉求和期盼,凝聚了全党全社会关于 Shen Haixiong, member of the Xinhua News Agency’s deputy editor-in-chief and member of the party group and director of the Xinhua News Agency’s New Media Center, recently addressed the National Propaganda Ministers’ meeting and made a speech at his speech recently. He stressed that publicity about the ideological and cultural front The spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, as a major political task, accurately and comprehensively and rigorously publicized the spirit of the plenary session and rapidly brought about a boom in learning, propaganda and implementation of the spirit of the plenary session. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee is a general mobilization and general plan for deepening the reform. It is a milestone in realizing the dream of “two 100-year-long” goals and achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Party on Several Important Issues concerning the Overall Deepening of the Reform” passed by the plenary session profoundly analyzes the major theoretical and practical problems facing China’s reform and development and stability, expounds the great significance and future direction of deepening the reform in an all-round way, Guiding ideology, objectives, tasks and major principles, and depicts a new blueprint, new vision and new goal for deepening the overall reform. It brings together new ideas, new conclusions and measures for deepening the overall reform and has responded positively to the voices, demands and periods of the people, Hope, gather the whole party about the whole society
摘要:初中英语教学面对的是十四五岁的青少年,教师在课堂的组织和管理上更要切合他们的心理特点。本文就如何创建出高效的英语课堂,以使得英语课堂更加充满生机这一问题,谈一些粗浅的认识。  关键词:初中英语;高效课堂;创设  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)17-058-1  一、“先声夺人”——让精彩从课前活动开始  小学英语课堂的课前活动(warmingu
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学校以班级为基本单位,而班主任则是班级的领导者、组织者和教育者。笔者根据切身体会,把如何做好班主任工作,浓缩为四个字:理、情、爱、心。 The school is based on clas
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