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吴明先,河南息县人,1988年8月参加工作,1988年4月加入中国共产党,长安大学交通运输规划与管理专业毕业,研究生学历,工学博士学位。1988年~1999年历任原交通部第一公路勘察设计院公路工程勘察设计测设队组长、副队长、队长、计划经营处副处长、处长;1999年~2006年任中交第一公路勘察设计研究院副院长、党委委员、纪委书记;2006年~2012年2月任中交第一公路勘察设计研究院有限公司副总经理、党委委员、纪委书记;2012年2月~2013年3月任中交第一公路勘察设计研究院有限公司总经理、党委副书记;2013年3月至今任中交第一公路勘察设计研究院有限公司董事长兼总经理、党委副书记;教授级高级工程师、国家政府特殊津贴专家2013年,《国家公路网规划(2013年~2030年)》发布,《规划》显示,普通国道网总规模约26.5万公里,国家高速公路网约11.8万公里,另外还规划了远期展望线1.8万公里,主要位于西部地广人稀地区。这就说明,中交一公院传统公路勘察设计业务市场将有潜力继续深挖,但会呈现出新阶段的特点:以干线公路为主的普通不收费公路体系建设项目增多;综合运输通道以及城市群、都市圈和城镇带城际交通通道建设增多;以完善交通建设可持续发展的资金保障机制,拓展融资渠道为主要模式的总承包业务市场机会增多。据国家商务主管部门数据统计,2012年,我国对外承包工程业务完成营业额、新签合同额同比增长都超过10%。数据表明,海外市场的大环境总体向好,基于已经建立的海外业务的合作网络,海外业务市场总体较为乐观。中交一公院海外业务经营受制较强,且 Wu Mingxian, Henan interest County, 1988 August to participate in the work, in April 1988 to join the Chinese Communist Party, Chang’an University transportation planning and management graduate, graduate education, doctor of engineering degree. From 1988 to 1999, he successively took the posts of team leader, deputy team leader and captain of highway engineering surveying and design surveying and designing team of the First Highway Survey and Design Institute of the former Ministry of Communications, deputy director and director of planning and operation department; from 1999 to 2006, Vice president of the Highway Survey and Design Institute, member of the Party Committee and secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection; from 2006 to February 2012, he served as deputy general manager, party member and secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection of China Communications First Highway Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd.; February 2012 ~ 2013 In March of 2013, he served as the general manager and deputy party secretary of China Communications First Highway Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd .; From March 2013 till now, he has been the chairman and the general manager and the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Communications First Highway Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd. Level senior engineer and special allowance expert of the state government In 2013, the “National Highway Network Plan (2013 ~ 2030)” was released. The “Plan” shows that the total number of ordinary national road network is about 265,000 kilometers and that of the national expressway network is 118,000 kilometers In addition, 18,000 km of long-term horizon are planned, mainly in the sparsely populated areas in the west. This shows that the CCCC I Court traditional road survey and design business market will have the potential to continue digging, but it will present the characteristics of a new phase: the main trunk highway will increase the number of general unpaid road construction projects; comprehensive transport corridors and The construction of inter-city traffic corridors in urban agglomerations, metropolitan areas and urban areas increased. There was an increase in market opportunities for the general contracting business with the improvement of the capital guarantee mechanism for sustainable development of transport construction and the expansion of financing channels. According to the data from the competent national commerce authorities, in 2012, the turnover of China’s foreign contracted projects business was completed, with the newly signed contracts both increasing by more than 10% over the same period of last year. The data show that the general environment of overseas markets is favorable. Based on the established overseas cooperation network, the overseas market is generally optimistic. In the first cross-office of a wholly foreign-controlled business operating stronger, and
面部肿胀是上颌窦根治术最常见的并发症。作者五年中对76例病人做了128次上颌窦根治术,采用宽的唇下切口,轻轻分离组织,避免术后填塞抗生素纱条,可将其肿胀率降到 Facial s
1 Microchemicalsystemonchip  Microintegratedchemicalsystemsareexpect edaspromisingultrahighthroughputchemicalandbioprocessorswithextremelysmallvolume .Ourres
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各位代表: 去年3月26日,国家统计局、国家计委、国家经贸委和财政部联合印发了《国家统计局关于开展2002年全国投入产出调查工作的通知》,决定今年开展第四次投入产出调查,
The title compound (C23H22N2O) 3 has been synthesized by the reaction of (S)- (-)-1,1-diphenyl-2-pyrrolidinemethanol 1 with 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde 2 in reflux