,Role of superoxide dismutase enzymes and ascorbate in protection of nitrergic relaxation against su

来源 :中国药理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hefang1986
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Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate whether superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes and ascorbate play a role in the protection of the nitrergic relax-ation against superoxide anion inhibition in the mouse duodenum. Methods: The effects of exogenous SOD, N,N’-bis(salicylidene) ethylenediamine chlo-ride (EUK-8; a synthetic cell-permeable mimetic of the manganese SOD [Mn SOD] and ascorbate on relaxant responses induced by nitrergic nerve stimulation), exogenous nitric oxide (NO), and nitroglycerin were investigated in isolated mouse duodenum tissues. Results: Diethyidithiocarbamate (DETCA) inhibited the relaxation to exogenous NO and nitroglycerin, but not relaxation to electri-cal field stimulation (EFS). SOD and ascorbate partially prevented the inhibi-tory effect of DETCA on relaxation to NO, abut not to nitroglycerin. The DETCA-induced inhibition on nitroglycerin was prevented by ELrK-8. Hemoglobin, 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazolinel-oxyl-3-oxide, and hydroxo-cobalamin inhibited the relaxation to NO, but not to EFS and nitroglycerin in the presence of DETCA. Pyrogallol and hydroquinone inhibited the relaxation to NO, but not to EFS and nitroglycerin. This inhibition was prevented by exog-enous SOD and ascorbate, but was not prevented by EUK-8. Pyrogallol and hy-droquinone did not inhibit the EFS-induced relaxation in the presence of DETCA. Duroquinone and 6-anilino-5.8-quinolinedione inhibited the relaxation to EFS, NO, and nitroglycerin, and this inhibition was prevented by EUK-8. Conclusion: These results suggest that the nitrergic neurotransmission in the mouse duode-num is protected by endogenous tissue antioxidants against superoxide anions, and Mn SOD, in addition to copper/zinc SOD, can protect NO from attack from superoxide anion generators intracellularly. Also, the possibility that the endog-enous neurotransmitter may not be the free NO but a NO-containing or NO-generating molecule in the mouse duodenum remains open.
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