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在经营管理的创意中,导于正常思维方式的逆向思维,往往能独辟蹊径,拨云见日,收到出奇制胜的效果。这类范例俯拾即是。本世纪初,在美国掀起了一股淘金热,一个名叫亚默尔的贫穷农夫,也追随蜂涌而至的淘金潮来到加利福尼亚。然而多日辛勤的劳作不但点金未得,而且由于当地气候干燥,水源奇缺,生活费用高昂,亚默尔逐渐陷入绝境。一日他忽发奇想:既然水如此珍贵,何不卖水致富?于是他做起了水的文章:引水源、挖水渠,然后过滤澄清、分袋包装出售。由于淘金者众多,水的需求量大,正应了那句俗话:卖水的看大河——都是钱,亚默尔很快暴富,成了全美国屈指可数的大亨之一。瞧,亚默尔虽然没有直接挖到金矿,但却 In the idea of ​​business management, the reverse thinking that leads to the normal way of thinking can often find its own way. This kind of example is awe-inspiring. At the beginning of this century, there was a gold rush in the United States. A poor farmer named Yamer also followed the flash flood coming to California. However, many days of hard work not only did not get gold, and due to the local climate is dry, water scarcity, high cost of living, Yamer gradually into desperation. One day he suddenly wondered: Since the water is so precious, why not sell water to become rich? So he started the article of water: diverting water sources, digging drains, and then filtering and clarifying and selling them in bags. Because of the large number of gold diggers, the demand for water is large, and it is precisely the old saying: Selling water to see the big river - all money, Yamer soon became rich, becoming one of the few tycoons in the United States. Well, although Yamer did not dig directly into the gold mine,
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竞争力优势是美国哈佛大学教授麦克尔·波特(Michael Porter)在“Competitive Strategy”一书提出的产业竞争分析模式,企业为争取产业内的优势地位,采取的主动攻击或被动防御
Nanjing University is one of China’s key comprehensive universities and it functions directly under the Ministry of Education.It is located in the ancient capi