Human settlement's social network analysis based on spatial trend surface model:a case study of

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ting1991
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Integrated with GIS and remote sensing(RS) technology,a systematic analysis and its methodology for human-settlements social environment has been introduced.This methodology has been called spatial trend field model(STFM).STFM’s application history in the field of human-settlements social environment has been discussed at first.Then,some index data models have been created through STFM,which include population density trend field,human activity strength trend field,city-town spatial density trend field,urbanization ratio trend field,road density trend field,GDP spatial density trend field and PER-GDP spatial density trend field.With all above-mentioned indexes as input data,through Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Techniques Algorithm(ISODATA),this paper makes a verification study of Chongqing municipality.The result of the case study confirms that STFM methodology is credible and has high efficiency for regional human-settlements study. Integrated with GIS and remote sensing (RS) technology, a systematic analysis and its methodology for human-settlements social environment has been introduced. This methodology has been called spatial trend field model (STFM). STFM’s application history in the field of human-settlements social environment has been discussed at first. Some index data models have been created through STFM, which include population density trend field, human activity strength trend field, city-town spatial density trend field, urbanization ratio trend field, road density trend field , GDP spatial density trend field and PER-GDP spatial density trend field. All above-mentioned indexes as input data, through Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Techniques Algorithm (ISODATA), this paper makes a verification study of Chongqing municipality.The result of the case study confirms that STFM methodology is credible and has high efficiency for regional human-settlements study.
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