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  In the past few weeks, we’ve found out who will actually be on the Barclays Center① court when the season starts, and it feels like the Brooklyn Nets have taken the most inorganic approach to assembling a team. Their player personnel strategies have been those of a team interested only in attracting fans, not retaining them.
  Sometimes I wonder what it was like to live when hatred and disgust for individual players and teams was primarily born of repetitive meetings based on regional rivalries and annual playoff showdowns. Now, we have so many more reasons to root against teams and the constructed villains who play for those teams. All you have to do is marry and divorce a Kardashian to inspire a season of boos in opposing arenas. The success of a team like the Heat can be rejected as the product of an overnight success scheme, resented by the fan bases that lack a team president with②’historical cred.’
  While monitoring the reconstruction project that is the Brooklyn Nets, it has also become clear that we openly resent teams who show no artistry or patience, who seem unwilling to incubate a ’winning culture.’ these are the ways in which the Brooklyn Nets have failed as an NBA rebranding project.
  Failure to Properly Identify Superstars
  The Brooklyn Nets were forced to settle for a tier of players with inflated value. I can’t help but think of Deron Williams and Joe Johnson as the only ’stars’ that would be attracted to an unproven franchise because it was in a ’major market.’
  It’s hard to remember who Deron Williams actually is — he has③ basically been M.I.A. for two seasons due to injury and/or strategic because it must have been a crappy NBA season if the Spurs won the championship.
  Joe Johnson is even more enigmatic than Deron Williams. He carries himself with the swagger of an alpha dog, but he’s never made his teammates better and couldn’t fill seats in Atlanta. Johnson will never make sense to me, especially after leaving the Phoenix Suns, a team that was on the brink of revolutionizing the NBA with a progressive offense. He ended up being the cog in the system that they were never able to replace. Had he stayed, Steve Nash would have continued to pad Johnson’s offensive stats. He’ll always just be one of those guys who preyed upon middling franchises that felt pressure to offer B-list guys max contracts to make it seem like management was ’trying to win NOW.’ Why is Johnson even reuniting with a world-class point guard when he wanted to do it himself all along?
  It doesn’t seem like they are going to have a special corporate or team culture, since the Nets’ business model is all about exploiting rich New Yorkers with the illusion of a V.I.P. experience.
  Failure to Sculpt a Winning Team With General Manager Artistry
  Fans subconsciously want to watch their team grow up so that they feel like proud parents when their team finally achieves something. The Nets didn’t view ’building through the draft’ as a viable option, mainly because of the pressure they were under to launch in Brooklyn with a contender. They weren’t afraid to compound that problem by giving away draft picks.
  It was probably realistic — most teams can’t find a franchise guy without the top pick in a rich draft. Instead, the Nets made it clear that they were willing to spend to add the most value to the team. Unfortunately, this meant that the Nets spent the past two seasons as the most literal group of assets that any professional franchise has presented to their few remaining fans. Sure, every team in the NBA is just a collection of assets, but it’s usually nice of the team to at least pretend that they’re trying to win.
  Nets general manager Billy King is being praised for salvaging Williams’s career as a Net by acquiring Johnson from the Hawks a few days before the team’s pitch to keep Deron from becoming a Dallas Maverick. They locked up Brook Lopez with a max contract after Howard fell through. Recently acquired Gerald Wallace is going to make $40 million for four years, above market value. They’ll continue to fill the roster with more affordable players.
  So what? King signed a bunch of guys to contracts. It doesn’t feel like he ’saved’ anything. There isn’t really any artistry in his management, it was just a process of striking out. No LeBron James, no Carmelo Anthony, and no Dwight Howard. It wasn’t a matter of finding the players who actually believed in the Brooklyn dream. It was about finding trade partners that were willing to accept a pupu platter in exchange for their overpriced assets.
  Failure to Incubate a Winning Culture
  ’Building an entirely new culture’ used to be a hot sports term that made it sound like you understood that there was something’beyond the game’ that had to be altered within a franchise to make it a winner. Now, basically everyone mentions that modern ④cliche when they talk about a team that is trying to not suck anymore. There is a new wave of coaches and GMs who probably got jobs just by mentioning a desire to ’change the culture,’ as if they were writing an essay to secure an MBA from the University of Phoenix.
  The Nets aren’t incubating anything. There are no draft picks. There are no young guys to mentor. The team’s stars have already forged their identities. There aren’t even really respected veterans who run mentorship programs and will serve as the team’s ’adult’ presence. The only thing the Nets have going for them is that they are no longer just a collection of assets on hold for the purpose of trying to obtain a superstar player.
  It doesn’t seem like they are going to have a special corporate or team culture, since the Nets’ business model is all about exploiting rich New Yorkers with the illusion of a V.I.P. experience.
  Williams was already ’above’ the concept of small-market culture when he got Jerry Sloan fired, then requested a trade to a losing team that he could theoretically ’control.’ The Jazz decided to ship Deron out as soon as possible, instead of letting it turn into a holdup, looking to rebuild as soon as possible, looking to reassert management’s control over the culture of the team. Now, Deron can try to win a championship under the guidance of Avery Johnson’s culture of winning as opposed to Sloan’s.
  There might not be a proper business case for launching a professional sports franchise in a highly competitive market, and perhaps the Brooklyn Nets did everything they did the only way possible. Not every team can be the Little Incubation Project That Could, better known as the Oklahoma City Thunder. The Nets don’t have time to be a version of the Vancouver Grizzlies that happen to play in a market with actual performance demands. The relaunch of the Nets exposes the idea of a’winning team culture’ as effective only for small markets in which locals need the illusion of togetherness and overcoming long odds, which often result from a series of lucky bounces and prudent managerial decisions.
  The intangible value of being a largemarket team requires building a culture of stardom, the secret ingredient that feeds the egos of players who ’want to play on the biggest stage possible.’ When the Nets have hard times, we’ll talk about it. When they are doing well, we’ll get overexcited about it. Bestcase scenario, Adam Morrison will make the team after dominating the Summer League, leapfrogging his two superstars and leading to a Morrisanity phenomenon that will overtake New York. His underdog story will serve as the inspiration that guides the Nets to their eventual playoff exit.
14年来安托万·贾米森苦苦嗅探着夺冠之路,现在,一个前所未有的机会终于来了。    做出这个决定对贾米森来说,并没有看上去的那么容易。  尽管他已经决意和骑士分道扬镳了,但究竟是前往夏洛特更多地陪伴家人,还是加盟紫金军团追逐梦寐以求的冠军呢?他始终没有拿定主意。  “能够陪在孩子们身边,这对我很重要,我希望每天都能见到他们。当我外出打客场时,他们就会问‘爸爸你什么时候回家?’”在接受《夏洛特观察者
经历过长沙、沈阳两场激情碰撞之后,雪碧“真我飞扬”篮球汇来到深圳,最后一站区域决赛巡演自然有最为精彩的展现。    张靓颖的“艰难决定”  深圳站巡演开始前数小时,便陆陆续续围满了准备观赛的热情观众。那些早就选好了阵营的粉丝,早早的聚在一起为各自阵营壮大声势,他们准备了或黄或绿的行头,扛的大旗、挥舞的毛巾,把他们鲜明地区分开来,俨然有将PK进行到底的架势。  来到现场的观众,除了一饱眼福看场上选手
在这个炎热的夏季,正是在篮球场上挥洒汗水的好时间,阿迪达斯正在这个夏日推出了全新Rose 773系列战靴,它轻质、稳定的性能和其承载的罗斯家乡荣耀,将陪伴篮球爱好者们在今夏的篮筐下挥洒热血、挥斥青春。  德里克·罗斯来自芝加哥,773这个数字代表罗斯家乡芝加哥地区的区号,简单的三位数字是通向罗斯永远的归属之城芝加哥的密码。穿上承载着罗斯家乡荣耀的Rose 773,与罗斯一样,肩负着更多的责任和动力
众所周知,无比激烈的篮球赛场,犀利无比、摧枯拉朽的进攻和通过阅读比赛的节奏从而完成战局的把控,是赢得篮球比赛的根本之道,也是对篮球运动最好的诠释!本季乔丹品牌就以“战·控”为设计理念,成功打造出一款极具赛场感的篮球鞋款,穿着这款篮球鞋上场,你会发现,原来战、控在篮球场上的重要性,并以压倒性的优势赢得比赛。    挥汗如雨的夏日篮球场上,“战”是充满激情、充满未知、充满对抗的,同时也是球场上进攻与防
凝聚13亿龙的传人的信念与力量,全倾全力为中国健儿加油!  在北京三里屯举办的“聚龙环”发布仪式上,阿迪达斯品牌代言人、国际巨星范冰冰、姚晨,世界小姐张梓琳,前跳水世界冠军田亮以及前国家队女排运动员赵蕊蕊和杨昊均亲临现场见证了阿迪达斯“聚龙环”的发布。与此同时,这一号召也得到了社会各界名流的积极响应,他们都以亲身行动鼓励人们戴上阿迪达斯“聚龙环”,在今年夏天为中国健儿加油,并尽情享受运动带来的无限
When Venus and Serena Williams began their miraculous runs in the late '90s, it was a story for a number of reasons. They were brash teenage sisters with beaded braids, and they were bigger and strong
传奇歌手本·哈珀不仅在音乐风格上有全能表现,更是向我们展示了他在篮球方面的独特见解。  在洛杉矶城市里随便扔一块石头,你都有可能击中一个自称是湖蜜的名人。这其中,有些是真湖蜜,有些就差一点了。在2005年获得过两座葛莱美奖的歌手兼作曲家本哈珀就是一个铁杆的纯湖蜜。他甚至保证说,从1980年以来,他看过湖人的每一场比赛,读过每一篇《洛杉矶时报》关于湖人的文章。  你是怎么成为湖人球迷的?  小时候,
为了争取更多的商业利益,各支NCAA大学校队不惜丧失宿敌对抗传统l;t及球迷的支持关注,一次次融入所谓的“大联盟”。  曾经有一段时间,我对大学篮球联赛的关注度与其他职业体育联盟不分上下。从小在纽约市长大的我,自然是大东部联盟(Big East)的忠实粉丝,对于那里的球员、教练和球队之间的恩恩怨怨都是如数家珍乔治城大学汤普森教练和大中锋尤因的师徒情深、克里斯穆林和沃尔特贝里在1985年掀起的“圣约
交易  魔术师约翰逊:德里克·费舍尔仍然是湖人队历史上最伟大的领袖之一。洛杉矶城将永远感激他。  德韦恩·韦德:忠诚,哈哈哈哈。  德韦恩·韦德:我只是说了忠诚这个词,你们就提到德怀特,谁说他了?我明人不做暗事,大家还是再猜猜吧。  保罗·加索尔:一切未知因素都结束3"0非常高兴能留在湖人队打球。现在是时候开始关心怎么打球和赢球了!  里基·鲁比奥:为什么不交易你?我们根本不需要你!RT@kevi
丹特尼实在是太不走运了。缩水赛季开始前,靠近丹特尼身边的人就曾向媒体透露,眼看球队在已有小斯的情况下,还请来有一尊大佛安东尼,他真的不想再履行最后一年的合同。  猜不出多兰用了什么办法才让丹特尼回心转意,2011—12赛季的帅位,他最终没有让出。也就从圣诞大战那一天开始,丹特尼的厄运就慢慢向他逼近。  赛季之初,几堂训练课下来,看到安东尼、小斯和钱德勒等人相处还算融洽,加上这几位明星球员都信誓旦旦