
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyqi
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一九八二年一至八月,广州市荔湾区人民法院按照审限审结的刑事案件七十一件,占结案总数的百分之九十六;番禺县人民法院同期审结的刑事案件八十二件,占结案总数的百分之九十八点七。这两个人民法院在严格依照刑诉法规定的审判期限审结案件方面,做得较好。其关键在于领导亲自抓紧了以下几点工作: 一是亲自抓审判人员的思想,抓办案效率。首先,法院领导针对部分同志存在的办案“超期难免”的思想,经常组织审判人员反复学习刑法和刑事诉讼法,帮助大家提高依法办事的自觉性。其次,订出合议庭平均每月结案的要求,调动审判人员的积极性。荔湾区人民法院还规定对重大案件要优先审理,争取一个 From January to August 1982, a total of 71 criminal cases concluded by the People’s Court of Liwan District of Guangzhou City based on trial hearings accounted for 96% of the total cases closed. Criminal cases concluded by the People’s Court of Panyu District during the same period were 82 Pieces, accounting for 98.7% of the total number of cases closed. These two people’s courts have done a good job of concluding cases strictly in accordance with the trial deadlines set by the Criminal Procedure Law. The key lies in the leadership personally pay close attention to the following work: First, personally grasp the judiciary thinking, handling case efficiency. First of all, the leadership of the court directed at some comrades in the handling of the case, “beyond the inevitable,” the idea, often organized trial staff repeated study of criminal law and criminal procedure law to help you improve the law-abiding consciousness. Second, set the average monthly closure of the collegial panel requirements, to mobilize the enthusiasm of the trial staff. The Liwan District People’s Court also stipulates that priority should be given to major cases and to fight for one
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大哥说,父亲几年的积蓄全花在我这个败家子身上了。  初闻此话时,我4岁,不明白他是何意。后来我渐渐知晓,自己是最后一批超生队伍中的一员,为此,作为老师的父亲被罚款2万元。  我是被迫念书的。  只要看见我和那一帮不学无术的兄弟混在一起,大哥便会当众不分青红皂白地打我,告诫我必须好好念书才能还清父亲的债。我嘴上答应着,心想:等我长大了,让你好看!  没过几年,我便与他一般高了。可我不敢还手,他从小体
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各省、市、自治区高级人民法院、公安厅(局): 《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》已从一九八二年十月一日起在全国试行。现就执行民事诉讼法(试行)第七十八条关于拘留的规
《人民司法》编辑部: 我们在受理自诉刑事案件中,对被告人可否委托辩护人的问题,有两种意见:一种意见认为,自诉刑事案件的被告人可以委托辩护人;另一种意见认为,这在刑事诉
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