Expressing an (E)-β-farnesene synthase in the chloroplast of tobacco affects the preference of green

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwx2738
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(E)-β-Famesene(EβF) synthase catalyses the production of EβF,which for many aphids is the main or only component of the alarm pheromone causing the repellence of aphids and also functions as a kairomone for aphids’ natural enemies.Many plants possess EβF synthase genes and can release EβF to repel aphids.In order to effectively recruit the plant-derived EβF synthase genes for aphid control,by using chloroplast transit peptide(CTP) of the small subunit of Rubisco(rbcS) from wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),we targeted AαβFS1,an EβF synthase gene from sweet wormwood(Artemisia annua L),to the chloroplast of tobacco to generate CTP + AαβFS1 transgenic lines.The CTP +AαβFS1 transgenic tobacco plants could emit EβF at a level up to 19.25 ng/day per g fresh tissues,4-12 fold higher than the AαβFS1 transgenic lines without chloroplast targeting.Furthermore,aphid/parasitoid behavioral bioassays demonstrated that the CTP + AαβFS1 transgenic tobacco showed enhanced repellence to green peach aphid(Myzus persicae) and attracted response of its parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae,thus affecting aphid infestation at two trophic levels.These data suggest that the chloroplast is an ideal subcellular compartment for metabolic engineering of plant-derived EβF synthase genes to generate a novel type of transgenic plant emitting an alarm pheromone for aphid control. (E) -β-Famesene (EβF) synthase catalysed the production of EβF, which for many aphids is the main or only component of the alarm pheromone causing the repellence of aphids and also functions as a kairomone for aphids’ natural enemies. Many plants possess EβF synthase genes and can release EβF to repel aphids. order to effectively recruit the plant-derived EβF synthase genes for aphid control, by using chloroplast transit peptide (CTP) of the small subunit of Rubisco (rbcS) from wheat (Triticum aestivum L), we targeted AαβFS1, an EβF synthase gene from sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua L), to the chloroplast of tobacco to generate CTP + AαβFS1 transgenic lines. CTP + AαβFS1 transgenic tobacco plants could emit EβF at a level up to 19.25 ng / day per g fresh tissues, 4-12 fold higher than the AαβFS1 transgenic lines without chloroplast targeting. Future plus, aphid / parasitoid behavioral bioassays called that the CTP + AαβFS1 transgenic tobacco showed enhanced repellence to gree The peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and attracted response of its parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae, thus affecting aphid infestation at two trophic levels. the data suggest that the chloroplast is an ideal subcellular compartment for metabolic engineering of plant-derived EβF synthase genes to generate a novel type of transgenic plant emitting an alarm pheromone for aphid control.
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