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儿时,家境不算宽裕,每当傍晚时分,放学归来的我径直走向屋中那个已残漆斑驳的书桌旁,把那盏小煤油灯放好,学着母亲的样子,先把玻璃灯罩取下来,划着火柴,用手轻轻呵护着火苗,调试着灯捻,将油灯点燃。等那火苗由暗至明渐渐明亮起来,再轻轻放上玻 Childhood, the family is not ample, and every evening, I returned home after school went straight to the painted mottled desk, put the little kerosene lamp, learn the mother’s look, the first glass lamp to take Down, draw a match, hand gently care of the flames, debugging lights twist, the oil lamp lit. Wait for the flame to light gradually from dark to bright, and then gently put the glass
当人们为自己越来越强大感到踌躇满志的时候,却突然发现身上有着随时可能致命、却又无法解决的弱点时,立即会产生崩溃的感觉。 When people become more and more proud of
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3月的高原,跟寒冬没什么区别,加之山高缺氧,火炉就不怎么着,夜晚来临,如同掉到了冰窖,盖上两层被子,再压上皮大衣,依然感觉不到温暖。更何况先前, March plateau, no differ
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