善于改革创新 拓宽用财之道

来源 :财会通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:idcxinrui
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目前,各级财政部门为了适应形势,深入调查,用改革的精神探索新时期用财之道,做到合理分配和使用资金。本文结合我市的实践,从十个方面谈谈用财的改革。第一,改变思想认识。财政部门“重收轻支”的问题长期没有妥善解决。其表现一是抓收入劲头大,管支出腰杆软;二是认为要使经济腾飞,增加开支理所当然;三是觉得供需矛盾大,支出指标紧,自己理亏心虚;四是看到别的部门在放宽搞活,财政部门扣扣卡卡,生怕对立面过多,工作难做;五是光想种“花”,不愿栽“刺”,工作缺少责任感。因此,要开拓新的用财之道,首先管钱人要改变上述认识。既抓收入,又抓支出,财政工作才能出现新的生机。第二,改变各项专款的使用办法,建立周转金制度。我认为,对支工、支农、支援文教卫等专款(国家新建项目投资和扶贫救灾款除外),应全 At present, in order to adapt to the situation and conduct an in-depth investigation, the financial departments at all levels have used the spirit of reform to explore ways of using money in the new period so as to rationally allocate and use funds. This article, combined with the practice of our city, talked about the reform of using wealth from ten aspects. First, change thinking. The long-term failure of the finance department to “reclaim light housing” has not been properly solved. The first is to grasp the momentum of its revenue and its expenditure is soft; Second, it is necessary to make the economy take off so as to increase spending for granted. Third, the contradiction between supply and demand is high, the expenditure targets are tight, and its own deficits; Fourth, Relaxing invigorating, the financial sector buckle Kaka, for fear of too much opposition, work difficult to do; five is to want to plant “flowers”, do not want to plan “stab”, lack of responsibility for the work. Therefore, to open up new ways of using money, we must first change the above-mentioned understanding of the money-management people. Only catch income, but also pay the expenditure, financial work can appear new vitality. Second, to change the way of using the funds to establish a working capital system. In my opinion, special funds for supporting labor, supporting agriculture and supporting culture, education and health, etc. (except for new state investment in projects and poverty alleviation and relief funds) shall be
目的 为我国单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型的基因工程疫苗提供早期实验研究资料。方法 采取PCR和蛋白质原核细胞表达方法。结果 自我国病毒储备株中成功地克隆出了单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型小
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