Adsorption and desorption of herbicide monosulfuron-ester in Chinese soils

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mlgbdwcnm
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Monosulfuron-ester is a new,low rate,sulfonylurea herbicide that is being promoted for annual broadleaf and gramineal weed control; however,there is a lack of published information on its behavior in soils.The adsorption and desorption of monosulfuronester by seven type soils were measured using a batch equilibrium technique.The results showed that the Freundlich equation fitted its adsorption and desorption well,and the Freundlich constant values (Kf-~) ranged from 0.88 to 5.66.Adsorption isotherms were nonlinear with l/nf-ads values < 1.Soil pH,organic matter (OM),and clay content were the main factors influencing its adsorption and desorption.Adsorption and desorption were negatively correlated with pH 4.0-8.0 while positively correlated with OM and clay content.The adsorption of monosulfuron-ester was mainly a physical process,because its free energy (ΔG) in seven soils was less than 40 kJ/mol.Monosulfuron-ester adsorption by three soils increased with increasing CaCl2 concentration using CaCl2 as a background electrolyte.Monosulfuron-ester desorption was hysteretic in all tested soils.
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