Genetic factors that affect nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic clinical review

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alienroom
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AIM: To investigate roles of genetic polymorphisms in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) onset, severity, and outcome through systematic literature review. METHODS: The authors conducted both systematic and specific searches of Pub Med through December 2015 with special emphasis on more recent data(from 2012 onward) while still drawing from more historical data for background. We identified several specific genetic polymorphisms that have been most researched and, at this time, appear to have the greatest clinical significance on NAFLD and similar hepatic diseases. These were further investigated to assess their specific effects on disease onset and progression and the mechanisms by which these effects occur. RESULTS: We focus particularly on genetic polymorphisms of the following genes: PNPLA3, particularly the p. I148 M variant, TM6SF2, particularly the p. E167 K variant, and on variants in FTO, LIPA, IFNλ4, and iron metabolism, specifically focusing on HFE, and HMOX-1. We discuss the effect of these genetic variations and their resultant protein variants on the onset of fatty liver disease and its severity, including the effect on likelihood of progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. While our principal focus is on NAFLD, we also discuss briefly effects of some of the variants on development and severity of other hepatic diseases, including hepatitis C and alcoholic liver disease. These results are briefly discussed in terms of clinical application and future potential for personalized medicine. CONCLUSION: Polymorphisms and genetic factors of several genes contribute to NAFLD and its end results. These genes hold keys to future improvements in diagnosis and management. AIM: To investigate roles of genetic polymorphisms in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) onset, severity, and outcome through systematic literature review. METHODS: The authors both both systematic and specific searches of Pub Med through December 2015 with special emphasis on more recent data (from 2012 onward) while still drawing from more historical data for background. We were several drawing specific genetic polymorphisms that have been most researched and, at this time, appear to have the greatest clinical significance on NAFLD and similar hepatic diseases. These were further investigated to assess their specific effects on disease onset and progression and the mechanisms by which these effects occur. RESULTS: We focus particularly on genetic polymorphisms of the following genes: PNPLA3, particularly the p. I148 M variant, TM6SF2, particularly the p. E167 K variant, and on variants in FTO, LIPA, IFN λ4, and iron metabolism, specifically focusing on HFE, and HMOX-1. We dis cuss the effect of these genetic variations and their resultant protein variants on the onset of fatty liver disease and its severity, including the effect on likelihood of progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. While our principal focus is on NAFLD, we also discuss briefly effects of some of the variants on development and severity of other hepatic diseases, including hepatitis C and alcoholic liver disease. These results are briefly discussed in terms of clinical application and future potential for personalized medicine. CONCLUSION: Polymorphisms and genetic factors of several genes contribute to NAFLD and its end results. These genes hold keys to future improvements in diagnosis and management.
目的观察聚肌胞肌内注射联合聚肌胞洗眼液治疗流行性角结膜炎时症状缓解的起效时间。方法 60例流行性角结膜炎的患者,随机分为A组和B组,各30例。B组采用传统治疗方法 ,A组在B
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